[OpenLayers-Users] overviewmap problem

Xiaodong Song xdsongy at gmail.com
Thu Jul 23 07:45:21 EDT 2009

Hi everybody,

I have a problem with overviewmap in OpenLayers.

I use GeoServer + GeoWebCache + OpenLayers. In some high resolution levels,
for example level X,  when I zoom in from level X-1 to X, the overviewmap
rectangle will disappear (the mini-map in overviewmap window is OK), but
when I zoom out from level X+1 to X, the overviewmap rectangle will appear
(but still missing at some resolutions, not all).

But if removing GeoWebCache, everything is OK, so it's certain the problem
is with GeoWebCache. In GeoWebCache, I set zoomStart 0 and zoomStop 9.
Whether this problem is introduced by improper configuration of resolution
in GeoWebCache?

Thank you!

Xiaodong Song
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