[OpenLayers-Users] Mouse wheel zoom generates lots of server requests...

Richard Greenwood richard.greenwood at gmail.com
Fri Jul 31 18:37:02 EDT 2009

I'm seeing this also. It is not apparent just looking in Firebug at
the "Net" requests, but both the Apache and MapServer logs show, for
me, an average of 3 requests for a mouse scroll on an un-tiled layer.
I'm also seeing an undesirable number of requests when the browser is

I'd love it if someone told me that there was already a parameter to
set a small delay before sending a request in these cases, or some
other solution. But barring that, can anyone suggest where a
reasonable starting point might be for adding such functionality?

Richard Greenwood
richard.greenwood at gmail.com

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 3:27 PM, Steve Lime<Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us> wrote:
> Hi all: In testing we've noticed that zooming with a mouse wheel seems to generate lots of requests
> at various resolutions on the way to the final zoom level. So, a wheel up generates server requests
> at intermediate levels, most of which won't be displayed. Someone sitting there rolling their wheel up
> and down can hammer a server.  Short of disabling that control are there good ways to avoid this?
> Perhaps by only asking for data once there's been no activity on the wheel within a certain period.
> Steve

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