[OpenLayers-Users] Visibility of features in vector layer

Andreas Hocevar ahocevar at opengeo.org
Wed Jul 8 12:41:43 EDT 2009

Paul Spencer wrote:
> Eric,
> On 8-Jul-09, at 9:25 AM, Eric Lemoine wrote:
>> On Wednesday, July 8, 2009, Matthew Doyle <M.Doyle at bom.gov.au> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> Sorry for resurrecting this topic, but i am having trouble getting my
>>> features to "remember" which StylemMap they have been changed to,  
>>> using the
>>> renderIntent.
>>> After following Heidtmare's suggestions below, my WFS layer is now  
>>> showing
>>> and hiding features on the fly using the renderIntent and then  
>>> calling
>>> drawFeature, as follows:
>>> for(var i = 0; i < WFSLayer.features.length; i++) {
>>>   WFSLayer.features[i].renderIntent = "hidden";
>>>   WFSLayer.drawFeature(WFSLayer.features[i]);
>>> }
>>> This works great, right up until i zoom the map or move to a  
>>> different
>>> extent. Each feature goes back to their "default" renderIntent and  
>>> the
>>> features are shown once again.
>>> How can i force a permanent change for each feature so that when  
>>> the user
>>> zooms it remembers what changes have just been made?
>> Hi
>> You can use the "style" property. E.g.
>> feature.style = OpenLayers.Feature.Vector.style["delete"];
> why does the renderIntent approach not work?  It does work for  
> controls like SelectFeature.  From what I see in the code, the  
> renderIntent of the feature is changed in createSymbolizer called from  
> drawFeature, which should use the renderIntent of the feature (in this  
> case, 'hidden').  Unless the style map doesn't contain a 'hidden'  
> style, in which case it would default back to ... um ... 'default' :)
Absolutely right. Matthew, if you don't have a "hidden" intent, features won't be rendered with it. Maybe you meant "delete", because that is the renderIntent for hiding features.


Andreas Hocevar
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org/
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