[OpenLayers-Users] GetFeatureInfo in OpenLayers with no proxy?

Alexandre Leroux alexandre.leroux at ec.gc.ca
Thu Jul 30 10:28:55 EDT 2009

Hi list,

A simple question. In OL, can we do a GetFeatureInfo without setting up 
a Proxy?

The http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/GetFeatureInfo page doesn't mention 
the need of a proxy.

Before you ask, everything is hosted on the same server (the data, the 
WMS server, OpenLayers and MapFish) :-)

http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/FrequentlyAskedQuestions#ProxyHost and 
http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/WMSManager mention that the proxy 
requirement also applies to the GetFeatureInfo request.

Context: we're setting up MapFish/OpenLayers on one of the highest 
traffic website of Canada (weather.gc.ca) and the technical staff are 
having difficulties setting up the Proxy. If there was a workaround not 
involving a proxy, that would be great.

I just rejoined the OL list after two years of absence for this 
question, I'll move out again in the coming days, you can reach me 
directly on alexandre.leroux at ec.gc.ca - thank you

Thank you for any feedback!

Alex :)
Alexandre Leroux, M.Sc., Ing.
Environnement Canada / Environment Canada
Centre météorologique canadien / Canadian Meteorological Centre
Section de la réponse aux urgences environnementales /
Environmental Emergency Response Section
alexandre.leroux at ec.gc.ca

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