[OpenLayers-Users] Labels/Tooltips on mouse over a Vector layer

Adrian Popa adrian_gh.popa at romtelecom.ro
Thu Jul 16 07:34:05 EDT 2009


Just a quick question - my users want to see the name of the city when 
they are hovering over points loaded through KML in a vector layer. I 
know this isn't supported, but are there plans to support such labels?

I'm thinking a different strategy might be to override/inherit the  
OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition class and based on coordinate changes, 
load the name from the closest KML feature. It doesn't need to be too 
accurate, but it can't be an exact match, because the mouse will never 
get that close to the KML coordinates.
However this solution will be costly - because on every mouse move you 
would have to go through all the KML items and see which match...

What are your ideas regarding this subject?


Adrian Popa
NOC Division
Network Engineer
Divizia Centrul National de Operare Retea
Departament Transport IP & Metro
Compartiment IP Core & Backbone
Phone: +40 21 400 3099

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