[OpenLayers-Users] How Obtain image png for use un geoserver and openlayer

fsalas fsalas at geocuba.cu
Fri Jul 10 12:37:43 EDT 2009


in these moments I find myself to I all mounting in geoserver some 
georeferencing imagery, until now I dont´ have any problems to the use 
geotif, but when I try to use the image over 2GB or more I need to use 
imagery in format png that they are smaller.

Seeing the example that brings geoserver the card index png this one 
accompanied of .meta and .prj.

¿ Than application so much proprietary as he free does he permit obtaining 
me this?

I have accomplished tests with the ENVI but when exporting png, do not 
export these others card indexes, however if export it jpg if another card 
index with extension generates .jgw, but apparently the geoserver does not 
assimilate this card index.

thanks ,

Francico Salas

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