[OpenLayers-Users] About WFS and Openlayers

Manuel Albela Miranda manuel.albela at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 05:21:35 EDT 2009

Hi everybody!

I'm working on a GIS system with Openlayers, postgis and mapserver (all of
them are the last version as of today) runing on a Debian SID environment,
and i'm having problems when trying to load a wfs layer created with the
information of a postgis table. The thing is that when I try to add the
layer to the map in openlayers, the web browser (either firefox 3 or ie7)
gets an exception. The layer is a multipolygon one representing Uganda with,
more or less, 70 polygons. The script gets stuck when adding the layer to
the map (map.AddLayer(mylayer);). I've been researching the whole process
and the bottle neck is not the database and neither the creation of the wfs
layer, so it seems like it's the way i'm trying to add the layer to the map.

I don't know if anyone has or has had the same problem,

Thank you very much in advance for your help.

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