[OpenLayers-Users] overlay epsg:25830 with goolge WMS

Emilio López Pasamontes emiliol at jccm.es
Mon Mar 2 04:10:26 EST 2009

Hello to all, 

I wanted to know if someone might help with the following problem: 

I have a  WMS with mapserver, my shapes are in epsg:25830 utm huso 30 north
zone etrs89. I would like to be able to use my shapes as overlays with
cartography of google. What must I do in order that it coincides? Has
someone an example of code?  

sorry for my english

Thank you

.map of Mapserver

         "wms_encoding" "UTF-8"
         "wms_title" "WMS de Industria (CLM)"
         "wms_abstract" "WMS de la Consejeria de Industria, Energia y Medio
Ambiente, de Castilla-La Mancha"
         "wms_srs" " EPSG:25830 EPSG:4326 EPSG:900913 "

all epsg config in lib proj 

Emilio López P.
Toledo, Spain

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