[OpenLayers-Users] Mouse events on tiles

tim robertson timrobertson100 at gmail.com
Sun May 3 11:04:59 EDT 2009

Hi all,

I am trying to reproduce with openlayers, the same effect that
maps.google.com has with overlaying wikipedia articles.  I have a TMS
layer, rendering the tiles server side and also have a web service
providing the info about the pixels on the tile the features are (just
like how google wikipedia overlay works).  I am not that great a
Javascript and have been trying to work out where to attach mouseover
and onclick events to the Image Tiles but have not succeeded.  I will
need to detect mouseover and mouseout to make sure that I am not
checking against the features for the whole map as the cursor moves
over tiles as this would be much data to check.  While a cursor is on
a tile I was planning to check the data array and see if the cursor
was over a feature.

Can someone please advise me where best to attach mouse events to
individual tiles?  I have been playing with various options, all of
which got messy quickly - currently I am trying to subclass
OpenLayers.Layer.TMS and modifying addTileMonitoringHooks.  Is this
the correct way to proceed?  Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,


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