May 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Fri May 1 02:01:22 EDT 2009
Ending: Sun May 31 22:51:04 EDT 2009
Messages: 421
- [OpenLayers-Users] vector layer with WFS protocol: load
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Tiff file Calculation.
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Loading Panel issue with IE
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] remove PanZoomBar
Rahn Hanno (rahn)
- [OpenLayers-Users] stop control propagation
toni hernández
- [OpenLayers-Users] help!
toni hernández
- [OpenLayers-Users] problem loading GML
toni hernández
- [OpenLayers-Users] Event on mergeNewParams ?
Nicolas Noé
- [OpenLayers-Users] set Language
"Gau, Hans-Jürgen"
- [OpenLayers-Users] creating a layer based on sql queries
André Mendonça
- [OpenLayers-Users] custom control.scale text
André Mendonça
- [OpenLayers-Users] [OpenLayers-Dev] Help: loadURL in IE failed
André Mendonça
- [OpenLayers-Users] icons displaced in kml layer
Emilio López Pasamontes
- [OpenLayers-Users] icons displaced in kml layer
Emilio López Pasamontes
- [OpenLayers-Users] Mouse events on tiles
João Duarte
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem using DIV
José Adriano Almeida
- [OpenLayers-Users] swapping in custom panzoom images
Chris Abraham
- [OpenLayers-Users] always-on information overlay
Basil Achermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to get list of all Layers from a
wms servoce?
Linde Ackermans
- [OpenLayers-Users] IE6 GIF transparency issue
Linde Ackermans
- [OpenLayers-Users] conversion of bounding boxes to
various projections
Mike Adair
- [OpenLayers-Users] My map will not zoom in past 1: 1066
- [OpenLayers-Users] Point in parrallel with line formula
Chris Adams
- [OpenLayers-Users] Colons in layer names
- [OpenLayers-Users] LonLat capture from click problem with IE zoom
Tara Athan
- [OpenLayers-Users] LonLat capture from click problem with IE zoom
Tara Athan
- [OpenLayers-Users] Saving with a Google Maps base layer
Tom B
- [OpenLayers-Users] Saving with a Google Maps base layer
Tom B
- [OpenLayers-Users] Question to OpenLayers and printing
Kai Behncke
- [OpenLayers-Users] Question to OpenLayers and printing
Kai Behncke
- [OpenLayers-Users] Question to OpenLayers and printing
Kai Behncke
- [OpenLayers-Users] ExternalGraphic slow in IE7
Gernot Belger
- [OpenLayers-Users] Configure ProxyHost and KML files
Asle Benoni
- [OpenLayers-Users] Open Layers on OS X Server?
Asle Benoni
- [OpenLayers-Users] proxy.cgi and OS X Server (solved the hard way)
Asle Benoni
- [OpenLayers-Users] proxy.cgi and OS X Server (solved the hard
Asle Benoni
- [OpenLayers-Users] Markers change position after zooming
Albin Blaschka
- [OpenLayers-Users] Markers change position after zooming
Albin Blaschka
- [OpenLayers-Users] Extent with Spherical Mercator
Albin Blaschka
- [OpenLayers-Users] Extent with Spherical Mercator
Albin Blaschka
- [OpenLayers-Users] put a message inside map for some zoom levels
Christoph Boehme
- [OpenLayers-Users] selectcontrol and layers property
Frank Broniewski
- [OpenLayers-Users] selectcontrol and layers property
Frank Broniewski
- [OpenLayers-Users] IE7 popup problem with 2.8 rc2
Frank Broniewski
- [OpenLayers-Users] IE7 popup problem with 2.8 rc2
Frank Broniewski
- [OpenLayers-Users] Query only in visible layers
Ivan Carreira
- [OpenLayers-Users] Query only in visible layers
Ivan Carreira
- [OpenLayers-Users] Query only in visible layers
Ivan Carreira
- [OpenLayers-Users] using Prototype's element.toggle w/ OpenLayers
John Cartwright
- [OpenLayers-Users] KML NetworkLink and auto-refresh
- [OpenLayers-Users] KML NetworkLink and auto-refresh
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with multiple SelectFeature controls
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with multiple SelectFeature controls
- [OpenLayers-Users] [OpenLayers-Dev] Getting Help Faster:
Minimize Your Code
Jo Cook
- [OpenLayers-Users] openlayers single file librarry problem
Joanne Cook
- [OpenLayers-Users] openlayers single file librarry problem
Joanne Cook
- [OpenLayers-Users] openlayers single file librarry problem
Joanne Cook
- [OpenLayers-Users] Popup problems on different GML layers with
GeoRSS format
Simo D
- [OpenLayers-Users] Popup problems on different GML layers with
GeoRSS format
Simo D
- [OpenLayers-Users] rootContainer and selectFeature on many
Simo D
- [OpenLayers-Users] Multi Selectable Vector layers
Simo D
- [OpenLayers-Users] Small shift between google and wms
Simo D
- [OpenLayers-Users] Small shift between google and wms
Simo D
- [OpenLayers-Users] Small shift between google and wms
Simo D
- [OpenLayers-Users] Small shift between google and wms
Simo D
- [OpenLayers-Users] Small shift between google and wms
Simo D
- [OpenLayers-Users] IE6 GIF transparency issue
Peter Dawn
- [OpenLayers-Users] Check and uncheck layers
Peter Dawn
- [OpenLayers-Users] Fwd: Check and uncheck layers
Peter Dawn
- [OpenLayers-Users] Print or export
Peter Dawn
- [OpenLayers-Users] Customize layer switcher look and feel
Peter Dawn
- [OpenLayers-Users] Ability to tweak the back/forward/zoom in buttons
Peter Dawn
- [OpenLayers-Users] Onclick focus on a set region
Peter Dawn
- [OpenLayers-Users] Editable drawing panel draws not at tip of cursor
Peter Dawn
- [OpenLayers-Users] Editable drawing panel draws not at tip of
Peter Dawn
- [OpenLayers-Users] zooming on large local vector maps behaves very
- [OpenLayers-Users] Query only in visible layers
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] Query only in visible layers
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] multiple layers... best performance?
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] help !
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] Vector layer refresh - Popup will not close
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] help !
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] Add Feature and Pan into View
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] Add Feature and Pan into View
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS-T example won't work because of error
in gears_init.js line 51
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] Question to OpenLayers and printing
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] Question to OpenLayers and printing
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] WMS/WFS getfeature on hover,
problem to display the GML
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] Vector layer refresh - Popup will not close
Wayne Dyck
- [OpenLayers-Users] Refresh on Vector Layer
Wayne Dyck
- [OpenLayers-Users] Vector layer refresh - Popup will not close
Wayne Dyck
- [OpenLayers-Users] OGRS2009 : pre-program & registration
Olivier ERTZ
- [OpenLayers-Users] mousedown
Greg Ederer
- [OpenLayers-Users] mousedown
Greg Ederer
- [OpenLayers-Users] mousedown
Greg Ederer
- [OpenLayers-Users] mousedown
Greg Ederer
- [OpenLayers-Users] mousedown
Greg Ederer
- [OpenLayers-Users] KML -Vector layer question
Nicholas Efremov-Kendall
- [OpenLayers-Users] Firebug Error: Invalid Object Initializer
Nicholas Efremov-Kendall
- [OpenLayers-Users] Using AutoCAD files (DWG, DXF and similar)
Nicholas Efremov-Kendall
- [OpenLayers-Users] problem loading GML
Nicholas Efremov-Kendall
- [OpenLayers-Users] maxExent is Null.
Nicholas Efremov-Kendall
- [OpenLayers-Users] GML layer does not Display
Nicholas Efremov-Kendall
- [OpenLayers-Users] Projection Issues Cont.
Nicholas Efremov-Kendall
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers.control.attribution is not a
constructor Error
Nicholas Efremov-Kendall
- [OpenLayers-Users] Mixing Projections and using Google/WMS/WFS
Dipl. Inf. Carsten Eider
- [OpenLayers-Users] Mixing Projections and using Google/WMS/WFS
Dipl. Inf. Carsten Eider
- [OpenLayers-Users] EPSG:4326 overlay EPSG:900913 as WMS
Dipl. Inf. Carsten Eider
- [OpenLayers-Users] EPSG:4326 overlay EPSG:900913 as WMS
Dipl. Inf. Carsten Eider
- [OpenLayers-Users] EPSG:4326 overlay EPSG:900913 as WMS
Dipl. Inf. Carsten Eider
- [OpenLayers-Users] Background image on a vector
Adam Eskreis
- [OpenLayers-Users] ZoomToExtent works in Firefox, Safari and IE7,
but not in IE6
Adam Eskreis
- [OpenLayers-Users] Using OpenLayers in a portlet environment
Marco Ferretti
- [OpenLayers-Users] SLD questions
Alessandro Ferrucci
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS-T example won't work because of error in
gears_init.js line 51
Barbara Fiederer
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS-T example won't work because of error in gears_init.js line 51
Barbara Fiederer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Cluster Strategy Based on Attribute
Jerome Freyre
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers conflict with
Simone Gadenz
- [OpenLayers-Users] rootContainer and selectFeature on many layers
Simone Gadenz
- [OpenLayers-Users] rootContainer and selectFeature on
many layers
Simone Gadenz
- [OpenLayers-Users] ERROR: WMSGetFeatureInfo is not a constructor.
Micho Gar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problems with WMS filter
Micho Gar
- [OpenLayers-Users] beforefeatureremoved event causes CLASS_NAME is
null error
- [OpenLayers-Users] Control activate and deactivate events
- [OpenLayers-Users] Locate objetcts in the maps
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] Circle Function
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] Performance and Memoryusage measuring: How To
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to obtain the slippy map using tiles
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] need help with projection issues
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] selectcontrol and layers property
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] labels in IE
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] layer event transparency
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] Performance and Memoryusage measuring: How To
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] How can I display a map with a position
changing marker.
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] How can I display a map with a position
changing marker.
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] How can I display a map with a position
changing marker.
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] Performance and Memoryusage measuring: How To
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] problem about display two layers
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] rootContainer and selectFeature on many
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] show/hide WFS layer without multiple WFS
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to make panzoombar invisible
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] Apply CSS style to popup content
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] Control activate and deactivate events
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to make panzoombar invisible
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] remove PanZoomBar
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] Apply CSS style to popup content
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] WMS with Argis Server Tiled/Pyramid layer
Florent Gravin
- [OpenLayers-Users] Visibility of features in vector layer
Heidt, Christopher M.
- [OpenLayers-Users] Visibility of features in vector layer
Heidt, Christopher M.
- [OpenLayers-Users] Zoom level problem
Robert Hicks
- [OpenLayers-Users] My map will not zoom in past 1: 1066
Robert Hicks
- [OpenLayers-Users] [OpenLayers-Dev] My map will not zoom in
past 1: 1066
Robert Hicks
- [OpenLayers-Users] Mouse events on tiles
Chris Holmes
- [OpenLayers-Users] Projections
Gregor at HostGIS
- [OpenLayers-Users] help!
Gregor at HostGIS
- [OpenLayers-Users] Saving with a Google Maps base layer
Gregor at HostGIS
- [OpenLayers-Users] Multi Selectable Vector layers
Jeremy Husmann
- [OpenLayers-Users] Multi Selectable Vector layers
Jeremy Husmann
- [OpenLayers-Users] Multi Selectable Vector layers
Jeremy Husmann
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenAerialMap
Jeffrey Johnson
- [OpenLayers-Users] "hover: true" together with callback "over"
Daniel Kastl
- [OpenLayers-Users] "hover: true" together with callback "over"
Daniel Kastl
- [OpenLayers-Users] Invalid argument. OpenLayers.js,
line 599 character 110 version 2.8 rc2
Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S
- [OpenLayers-Users] Cluster Strategy Based on Attribute
Matt Kenny
- [OpenLayers-Users] Tiff file Calculation.
Kwong Hu Kiu
- [OpenLayers-Users] Tiff file Calculation.
Kwong Hu Kiu
- [OpenLayers-Users] Tiff world file Calculation.
Kwong Hu Kiu
- [OpenLayers-Users] FW: Download image(bitmap)
Kwong Hu Kiu
- [OpenLayers-Users] FW: Download image(bitmap)
Kwong Hu Kiu
- [OpenLayers-Users] [OpenLayers-Dev] FW: Download image(bitmap)
Kwong Hu Kiu
- [OpenLayers-Users] Requesting zip data using
OpenLayers.Request.GET. bug ?
Kwong Hu Kiu
- [OpenLayers-Users] Requesting zip data using
OpenLayers.Request.GET. bug ?
Kwong Hu Kiu
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers conflict with
Elmar Kruithoff
- [OpenLayers-Users] Print or export
Julien-Samuel Lacroix
- [OpenLayers-Users] Using AutoCAD files (DWG, DXF and similar)
Lehtonen, Mika
- [OpenLayers-Users] Question to OpenLayers and printing
Lehtonen, Mika
- [OpenLayers-Users] Customize layer switcher look and feel
Lehtonen, Mika
- [OpenLayers-Users] Extent with Spherical Mercator
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] [OpenLayers-Dev] FW: Download image(bitmap)
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Visibility of features in vector layer
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] mousedown
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers conflict with
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] mousedown
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] ERROR: WMSGetFeatureInfo is not a
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] selectcontrol and layers property
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] [OpenLayers-Dev] Getting Help Faster:
Minimize Your Code
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] maxExent is Null.
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] conversion of bounding boxes to various
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Scale control outside the map
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Small shift between google and wms
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS-T example won't work because of error in
gears_init.js line 51
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Fwd: Check and uncheck layers
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problems with WMS filter
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Print or export
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Changing style of feature parsed by GeoJSON
Stefan Lischke
- [OpenLayers-Users] Changing style of feature parsed by GeoJSON
Stefan Lischke
- [OpenLayers-Users] mousedown
Stefan Lischke
- [OpenLayers-Users] Visibility of features in vector layer
Stefan Lischke
- [OpenLayers-Users] Best way to add/move/delete icons on map by users
Andre Lockhart
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem alternating google bases with my own
wms bases
Alessio Di Lorenzo
- [OpenLayers-Users] Loading Panel issue with IE
Alessio Di Lorenzo
- [OpenLayers-Users] Loading Panel issue with IE
Alessio Di Lorenzo
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to turn MapServer Layer into WMS Layer
Ben Madin
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS-T Response Parsing
Phil Maloney
- [OpenLayers-Users] Pyjamas & OL [was: Re: python wrapper to ol?]
Tim Michelsen
- [OpenLayers-Users] OSM
Yves Moisan
- [OpenLayers-Users] OSM
Yves Moisan
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenAerialMap
Yves Moisan
- [OpenLayers-Users] Print or export
Yves Moisan
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem With Popups
David Martinez Morata
- [OpenLayers-Users] Control activate and deactivate events
George Mu'ammar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Google and WMS Layers - Projection help
Shawn Oatley
- [OpenLayers-Users] WMS/WFS getfeature on hover,
problem to display the GML
Martin Ouellet
- [OpenLayers-Users] WMS/WFS getfeature on hover,
problem to display the GML
Martin Ouellet
- [OpenLayers-Users] Using AutoCAD files (DWG, DXF and similar)
- [OpenLayers-Users] KML refresh
Peter Peterse
- [OpenLayers-Users] Performance and Memoryusage measuring: How To
Peter Peterse
- [OpenLayers-Users] KML NetworkLink and auto-refresh
Peter Peterse
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with georss.js in internet explorer
Maxime Phaneuf
- [OpenLayers-Users] Apply CSS style to popup content
Maxime Phaneuf
- [OpenLayers-Users] Apply CSS style to popup content
Maxime Phaneuf
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to override createGeometry
Stéphane Poirier
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to use and
Stéphane Poirier
- [OpenLayers-Users] SingleTile TMS Layer - Suggestion
- [OpenLayers-Users] SingleTile TMS Layer - Suggestion
- [OpenLayers-Users] Placing marker on map
- [OpenLayers-Users] Placing marker on map
- [OpenLayers-Users] Southeast shift in overview layer
Subha Ramakrishnan
- [OpenLayers-Users] creating a layer based on sql queries
Pere Roca Ristol
- [OpenLayers-Users] show/hide WFS layer without multiple WFS requests
Pere Roca Ristol
- [OpenLayers-Users] Geojson input: why error on 3d points?
Peter Robins
- [OpenLayers-Users] Projections
David Rush
- [OpenLayers-Users] Draw Polygons and Export Geometry
Josh S.
- [OpenLayers-Users] Implementing "Select all features"
Josh S.
- [OpenLayers-Users] Draw Polygons and Export Geometry
Josh S.
- [OpenLayers-Users] Scale control outside the map
Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
- [OpenLayers-Users] Scale control outside the map
Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
- [OpenLayers-Users] custom control.scale text
Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
- [OpenLayers-Users] Draw Polygons and Export Geometry
Robert Sanson
- [OpenLayers-Users] IE6 GIF transparency issue
Robert Sanson
- [OpenLayers-Users] Control activate and deactivate events
Robert Sanson
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to override createGeometry
Tim Schaub
- [OpenLayers-Users] Geojson input: why error on 3d points?
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Can't Convert Coordinates to Picels and Back
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] White House Website using OpenLayers
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Changing style of feature parsed by GeoJSON
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Changing style of feature parsed by GeoJSON
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] OSM
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] OSM
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] KML and Attributs
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Requesting zip data using
OpenLayers.Request.GET. bug ?
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Requesting zip data using
OpenLayers.Request.GET. bug ?
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] ERROR: WMSGetFeatureInfo is not a
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Markers incorrectly placed after pan
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] IE7 popup problem with 2.8 rc2
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] layer event transparency
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] IE7 popup problem with 2.8 rc2
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with multiple SelectFeature controls
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Openlayers + Mapserver ZOOM problem
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] set Language
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Projections
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Firebug Error: Invalid Object Initializer
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] icons displaced in kml layer
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] icons displaced in kml layer
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Mixing Projections and using Google/WMS/WFS
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] problem about display two layers
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Virtual Earth Issue
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] openlayers single file librarry problem
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] KML NetworkLink and auto-refresh
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] openlayers single file librarry problem
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] EPSG:4326 overlay EPSG:900913 as WMS
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] swapping in custom panzoom images
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to use and
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] EPSG:4326 overlay EPSG:900913 as WMS
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to use and
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Popup problems on different GML layers with
GeoRSS format
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Is it possible to get openlayers version 2.8?
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] GML layer choice for putting photos on a map,
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] SingleTile TMS Layer - Suggestion
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] "hover: true" together with callback "over"
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Getting Help Faster: Minimize Your Code
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] problem about display two layers
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] problem about display two layers
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] [OpenLayers-Dev] Getting Help Faster:
Minimize Your Code
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Are String objects limited to 4096
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Multi Selectable Vector layers
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Multi Selectable Vector layers
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] my text layer can't be seen sonetimes
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] proxy.cgi and OS X Server (solved the hard
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] using Prototype's element.toggle w/
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Small shift between google and wms
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Small shift between google and wms
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Small shift between google and wms
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Check and uncheck layers
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Comparision between MapServer/OpenLayers and
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Question to OpenLayers and printing
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to make panzoombar invisible
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] htmlfile: unspecified error in IE6+7 when
creating new map
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] remove PanZoomBar
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Editable drawing panel draws not at tip of
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Print or export
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Editable drawing panel draws not at tip of
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] problem about display two layers
Ted Scott
- [OpenLayers-Users] White House Website using OpenLayers
Arnie Shore
- [OpenLayers-Users] Fwd: geowebcached images
Arnie Shore
- [OpenLayers-Users] Markers incorrectly placed after pan
Andrew Smith
- [OpenLayers-Users] KML NetworkLink and auto-refresh
Andrew Smith
- [OpenLayers-Users] dynamic SLD for WMS layer
Brad Spencer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Background image on a vector
Paul Spencer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Using AutoCAD files (DWG, DXF and similar)
Zac Spitzer
- [OpenLayers-Users] MapGuide useHttpTile with IIS
Zac Spitzer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Does openlayers provide efficent client side
spatial referenced query mechanism?
Zac Spitzer
- [OpenLayers-Users] detecting zoom changes not center changes
Craig Stanton
- [OpenLayers-Users] One layer with two wms servers
Guillaume Sueur
- [OpenLayers-Users] Overlay on Google
Guillaume Sueur
- [OpenLayers-Users] Message inside map in some zoom levels
Luis Ortiz --CompeGPS Team--
- [OpenLayers-Users] Message inside map in some zoom levels
Luis Ortiz --CompeGPS Team--
- [OpenLayers-Users] put a message inside map for some zoom levels
Luis Ortiz --CompeGPS Team--
- [OpenLayers-Users] Help !
Hugo Teixeira
- [OpenLayers-Users] help!
Hugo Teixeira
- [OpenLayers-Users] help !
Hugo Teixeira
- [OpenLayers-Users] wfs !
Hugo Teixeira
- [OpenLayers-Users] Can't Convert Coordinates to Picels and Back
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Can't Convert Coordinates to Picels and Back
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Get point on line?
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Comparision between MapServer/OpenLayers and
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] classification of data
Sydney Togarepi
- [OpenLayers-Users] GML layer choice for putting photos on a map,
Greg Troxel
- [OpenLayers-Users] GML layer choice for putting photos on a map,
Greg Troxel
- [OpenLayers-Users] Anyone has experience using the layers
provided by WMS?
Ian Turton
- [OpenLayers-Users] One layer with two wms servers
Vidal, Antoni
- [OpenLayers-Users] Fwd: geowebcached images
chris Wild
- [OpenLayers-Users] KML -Vector layer question
Andrew Wilson
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with Mapserver + PostGIS + Openlayers
Arnd Wippermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] Colons in layer names
Arnd Wippermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] My map will not zoom in past 1: 1066
Arnd Wippermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] One layer with two wms servers
Roald de Wit
- [OpenLayers-Users] problem loading GML
Roald de Wit
- [OpenLayers-Users] problem loading GML
Roald de Wit
- [OpenLayers-Users] How can I display a map with a position
changing marker.
Roald de Wit
- [OpenLayers-Users] Are String objects limited to 4096 characters?
Stephen Woodbridge
- [OpenLayers-Users] Are String objects limited to 4096
Stephen Woodbridge
- [OpenLayers-Users] wiki seems to be broken
Stephen Woodbridge
- [OpenLayers-Users] Print or export
Stephen Woodbridge
- [OpenLayers-Users] Print or export
Stephen Woodbridge
- [OpenLayers-Users] SelectFeature.js right-click?
- [OpenLayers-Users] Using AutoCAD files (DWG, DXF and similar)
bartvde at
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS layer over Google Map layer projection
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS layer over Google Map layer projection
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS layer over Google Map layer projection
- [OpenLayers-Users] exportGge 0.93 released,
supports OpenLayers and Google Earth Plug-in
loic devaux
- [OpenLayers-Users] Visibility of features in vector layer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Visibility of features in vector layer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Visibility of features in vector layer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Visibility of features in vector layer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Visibility of features in vector layer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with Mapserver + PostGIS + Openlayers
cole gillespie
- [OpenLayers-Users] Openlayers + Mapserver ZOOM problem
cole gillespie
- [OpenLayers-Users] MapGuide useHttpTile with IIS
- [OpenLayers-Users] MapGuide useHttpTile with IIS
- [OpenLayers-Users] MapGuide useHttpTile with IIS
- [OpenLayers-Users] Control styling via javascript
- [OpenLayers-Users] Markers incorrectly placed after pan
- [OpenLayers-Users] Markers incorrectly placed after pan
- [OpenLayers-Users] htmlfile: unspecified error in IE6+7 when
creating new map
- [OpenLayers-Users] Openlayers + Mapserver layer = Random Pink
Paul james
- [OpenLayers-Users] displacement of google satellite data
compared to google streetmap
- [OpenLayers-Users] Overlay on Google
- [OpenLayers-Users] Overlay on Google
- [OpenLayers-Users] Point in parrallel with line formula
- [OpenLayers-Users] Point in parrallel with line formula
- [OpenLayers-Users] need help with projection issues
- [OpenLayers-Users] Get point on line?
- [OpenLayers-Users] Get point on line?
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with controls on map (SelectFeature,
Drawfeature) - OpenLayers, pgRouting
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with controls on map (SelectFeature,
Drawfeature) - OpenLayers, pgRouting
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with controls on map (SelectFeature,
Drawfeature) - OpenLayers, pgRouting
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with controls on map (SelectFeature,
Drawfeature) - OpenLayers, pgRouting
- [OpenLayers-Users] layer event transparency
- [OpenLayers-Users] layer event transparency
- [OpenLayers-Users] multiple layers... best performance?
pere roca ristol
- [OpenLayers-Users] Mouse events on tiles
tim robertson
- [OpenLayers-Users] dynamic SLD for WMS layer
- [OpenLayers-Users] How can I display a map with a position changing
- [OpenLayers-Users] How can I display a map with a position
changing marker.
- [OpenLayers-Users] How can I display a map with a position
changing marker.
- [OpenLayers-Users] problem about display two layers
- [OpenLayers-Users] problem about display two layers
- [OpenLayers-Users] How can I display a map with a position
changing marker.
- [OpenLayers-Users] problem about display two layers
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to show the point in mysql as a marker?
- [OpenLayers-Users] How can I display a map with a position
changing marker.
- [OpenLayers-Users] my text layer can't be seen sonetimes
- [OpenLayers-Users] ZoomToExtent works in Firefox, Safari and IE7,
but not in IE6
- [OpenLayers-Users] ZoomToExtent works in Firefox, Safari and IE7,
but not in IE6
- [OpenLayers-Users] ZoomToExtent works in Firefox, Safari and IE7,
but not in IE6
- [OpenLayers-Users] Get point on line?
- [OpenLayers-Users] Get point on line?
- [OpenLayers-Users] Get point on line?
- [OpenLayers-Users] help!
- [OpenLayers-Users] Add Feature and Pan into View
- [OpenLayers-Users] Add Feature and Pan into View
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to obtain the slippy map using tiles
ahmed soua
- [OpenLayers-Users] Error in MSIE 8 creating a vector layer using
OpenLayers 2.8 rc2
stephane.poirier at
- [OpenLayers-Users] How can one programmatically resize a
rectangular feature right after it has been drawn?
stephane.poirier at
- [OpenLayers-Users] Anyone has experience using the layers provided
by WMS?
stephane.poirier at
- [OpenLayers-Users] conversion of bounding boxes to various
stephane.poirier at
- [OpenLayers-Users] What is the proj4 definition for projection
EPSG:3408, Proj4js.defs["EPSG:3408"]=?
stephane.poirier at
- [OpenLayers-Users] seeking more degrees of freedom when modifying
rectangle feature
stephane.poirier at
- [OpenLayers-Users] Invalid argument. OpenLayers.js,
line 599 character 110 version 2.8 rc2
stephane.poirier at
- [OpenLayers-Users] Does openlayers provide efficent client side
spatial referenced query mechanism?
stephane.poirier at
- [OpenLayers-Users] IE return 'Unhandled request return Not Found'
- [OpenLayers-Users] [OpenLayers-Dev] Help: loadURL in IE failed
- [OpenLayers-Users] [OpenLayers-Dev] Help: loadURL in IE failed
- [OpenLayers-Users] [OpenLayers-Dev] Help: loadURL in IE failed
- [OpenLayers-Users] Style context doesn't work
- [OpenLayers-Users] Style context doesn't work
- [OpenLayers-Users] Saving Input
- [OpenLayers-Users] Virtual Earth Issue
- [OpenLayers-Users] Virtual Earth Issue
- [OpenLayers-Users] KML and Attributs
Last message date:
Sun May 31 22:51:04 EDT 2009
Archived on: Wed Sep 1 17:20:00 EDT 2010
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).