[OpenLayers-Users] Add Feature and Pan into View

soatley shawn at niagarafalls.ca
Thu May 21 14:02:42 EDT 2009

Thanks for your reply.

Can you explain the BBOX strategy a little more?  It sounds like it will do
the trick, but I am still new to OpenLayers.  It sounds like the zoom level
would change if I set the extent.  (Or am I wrong?)  I would just like it to
pan, similar to how the Popup pans, in order to get it into view.


Alexandre Dube wrote:
> Hi,
> You could register a "beforefeatureselected" event on your vector layer 
> and set the map extent according to the feature's extent. I think that 
> if you use the BBOX strategy, since the feature was already drawn it 
> should remain the same when the map automatically pan/zoom to the 
> feature's extent.
> What do you think ?
> Alexandre
> soatley wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Does anyone know how to have the map pan when adding a feature to a
>> vector
>> layer so that the entire feature is in view?
>> Here's my code so far that works:
>>         //define the popup
>>         infoPopup = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud("info",
>>                                      mouseLoc,
>>                                      null,
>>                                      "<div
>> style=\"padding:5px;font-size:0.8em;\">Loading...</div>",
>>                                      null, true, onPopupClose);
>>         map.addPopup(infoPopup);
>>          //load the url for the popup data
>>         OpenLayers.loadURL(infoUrl, '', this, showTip);
>> In the showTip function, I parse the data that is returned, update the
>> content popup and create a feature.  The feature coordinates (WKT) are
>> passed with the response.
>>             var f = new OpenLayers.Format.WKT();
>>             infoFeature = f.read(marker.find("points").text());
>>             infoLayer.addFeatures([infoFeature], { style: "default" });
>>             infoPopup.contentHTML = marker.find("result").text();
>>             infoPopup.setContentHTML();
>>             infoFeature.popup = infoPopup;
>> This code works great.  If the popup is off the screen it pans into view. 
>> Great!  But, how can I do the same if the feature (a parcel) is partially
>> off the screen?
> -- 
> Alexandre Dubé
> Mapgears
> www.mapgears.com
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