[OpenLayers-Users] labels in IE

Kris Geusebroek kgeusebroek at xebia.com
Fri May 8 03:20:24 EDT 2009

Hi all,


I'm using the new label functionality and modified it a bit to show a
colored border around the label. This is successfully within IE6, but
within IE7 the value of textbox.clientWidth is always 2 so my border is
a 2px wide rectangle.

The clientHeight is correctly set so I now have a label of 14px high and
2 px wide.

Can somebody explain me why clientWidth is not working in IE7?


Heres my adjusted code for the VML renderer:

var label = this.nodeFactory(featureId + this.LABEL_ID_SUFFIX,

var textbox = this.nodeFactory(featureId + this.LABEL_ID_SUFFIX +
"_textbox", "olv:textbox");


var resolution = this.getResolution();

label.style.left = (location.x/resolution - this.offset.x).toFixed() +

label.style.top = (location.y/resolution - this.offset.y).toFixed() +

label.style.flip = "y";

textbox.innerText = style.label;


if (style.fillColor) {textbox.style.color = style.fontColor;}

if (style.fontFamily) {textbox.style.fontFamily = style.fontFamily;}

if (style.fontSize) {textbox.style.fontSize = style.fontSize;}

if (style.fontWeight) {textbox.style.fontWeight = style.fontWeight;}

textbox.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";

textbox.inset = "0px,0px,0px,0px";


if(!label.parentNode) {





var align = style.labelAlign || "cm";

var xshift = textbox.clientWidth

if (style.pointRadius) {xshift += style.pointRadius *

var yshift = textbox.clientHeight *

if (style.pointRadius) {yshift += style.pointRadius *

yshift -= index * (textbox.clientHeight);

label.style.left = parseInt(label.style.left)-xshift+"px";

label.style.top = parseInt(label.style.top)+yshift+"px";

label.style.width = textbox.clientWidth + ((style.labelStrokeWidth) ?
style.labelStrokeWidth : 0);

label.style.height = textbox.clientHeight + ((style.labelStrokeWidth) ?
style.labelStrokeWidth : 0);


if (style.labelStrokeColor) { 

  label.setAttribute("strokecolor", style.labelStrokeColor); 

  label.setAttribute("strokeweight", style.labelStrokeWidth + "px"); 

} else {label.setAttribute("stroked", "false");}

var strokes = label.getElementsByTagName("stroke");

var stroke = (strokes.length == 0) ? null : strokes[0];

if (!style.labelStrokeColor) {

  if (stroke) {label.removeChild(stroke);} else {

    if (!stroke) {

      stroke = this.createNode('olv:stroke', label.id + "_stroke");



    stroke.setAttribute("opacity", style.labelStrokeOpacity);




The index var is used to make multiple labels for clustered features BTW

Also I'm not able to apply the same logic to the SVG renderer so help on
that side is valued also.


Cheers Kris


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