[OpenLayers-Users] Mixing Projections and using Google/WMS/WFS
Christopher Schmidt
crschmidt at metacarta.com
Wed May 13 07:25:14 EDT 2009
On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 10:10:25AM +0200, Dipl. Inf. Carsten Eider wrote:
> Hi list,
> searching this list i have found several hints but no real solution to
> my projection problem.
> Even walking through the examples or docs did not enlighten me!
> I uses OL2.7 and OL 2.8RC2
> My problem is:
> * I have a map with wms and wfs/gml-layers using epsg:31467 working
> fine.
> * Now i want to use Google as my baselayer, assuming epsg:4326 as
> the projection
You can't do that. If you want WFS/GML layers, you have to use
> Question:
> How do i setup
> * my map using epsg.4326 as the main projection
> * any wms-layer to uses epsg.31467 as srs in the request and being
> automatically transformed
It wouldn't use that SRS in the request. It would use EPSG:4326 in the
request. Most WMS servers will reproject automatically.
> * any wfs-layer tu use epsg:31467 for requesting the date and being
> automatically transformed
'projection 31467' (pseudo-)option on the layer
> I managed to setup a map
> (https://tomcat1.agroconnect.fh-bingen.de/geoEditor3/googletest.html)
> * using epsg:4236 for map and wms
> * using epsg:31467 for wfs and repojection, but there was a visible
> offset depending on the level of zoom
Yes, this is probably
> Any hints or working examples are appreciated.
> Carsten
> --
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Yours faithfully
> Carsten Eider
> Dipl. Inf. (FH)
> Kompetenzzentrum für Innovative Informationssysteme
> c/o Fachhochschhule Bingen / University of applied sciences Bingen
> Berlinstraße 109
> 55411 Bingen
> Tel: +49 (0) 6721 / 409-179
> Fax: +49 (0) 6721 / 409-158
> email: eider at fh-bingen.de
> Internet: iis.fh-bingen.de
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Christopher Schmidt
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