[OpenLayers-Users] Open Layers on OS X Server?

Asle Benoni asle.benoni at gmail.com
Sun May 17 16:17:55 EDT 2009

Is anyone here running OpenLayers on OS X Server 10.5? I know there  
are some running on OS X Leopard client. But my problem seems to be on  
OS X Server.

I have confirmed that proxy.cgi works like it should on OS X Leopard  
when I run Apache locally. When I do a request to proxy.cgi running on  
OS X Server, the request is malformed as you can see by the discussion  

the response headers show "application/vnd.ogc.se_xml" while it should  


This has nothing to do with the openlayers code as I have checked this  
several times. So if anyone has any idea what could be the difference  
in Apache or the python modules needed for proxy.cgi  I can get  
working with the OL solution. If not I will have to reinstall the OS X  
Server to OS X Client. And that should not be necessary??


Den 13. mai. 2009 kl. 23.59 skrev Asle Benoni:

> Hello again,
> Is anyone running proxy.cgi on Mac OS X 10.5 Server? I believe it  
> must be a problem with server since I have tested it on OS X 10.5  
> Leopard client and it works fine there.
> /asle
> Den 13. mai. 2009 kl. 00.03 skrev Asle Benoni:
>> Hello,
>> This problem is still not solved. I believe it has to do with  
>> proxy.cgi.  If I do a request from proxy.cgi on another linux  
>> server it works fine but with the proxy.cgi on my Mac OS X Server  
>> it fails. See the attached screenshots.
>> The headers that are sent (from proxy.cgi?) is "application/ 
>> vnd.ogc.se_xml" and it is ...kml... when proxy.cgi is on another  
>> linux server.
>> So you see the response is not interpretable. Is there a another  
>> version of proxy.cgi for Mac? I checked calling proxy.cgi directly  
>> and it redirects to openayers.org. So it should work?
>> Is there a way to  rewrite the headers so the server will  
>> understand it?
>> I am completely lost since I cannot use KML or WFS on this server.
>> /asle
>> <Bilde 6.png><Bilde 5.png>
>> Den 26. mars. 2009 kl. 13.31 skrev Alexandre Dube:
>>> OpenLayers.Format.KMZ doesn't exist.  You should try KML instead  
>>> and have &format=application/vnd.google-earth.kml+XML in your url  
>>> instead.  I never tried it thought, but that's what I would try.
>>> By the way, KMZ is a zipped version of a KML.  You could replace a  
>>> file.kmz to file.zip then unzip it and you would have your  
>>> uncompressed KML.  OpenLayers currently can't read KMZ files.
>>> Regards,
>>> Alexandre
>>> Asle Benoni wrote:
>>>> Yes, I have read that and configured proxy.cgi with the domains  
>>>> of the server.
>>>> Now the layer I get from GeoServer is KMZ and not KML (don´t know  
>>>> why) so I put the code like this in my html.
>>>> OpenLayers.ProxyHost = "/cgi-bin/proxy.cgi?url=";
>>>>             map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer.GML("KML", "http://naturkart.no:8080/geoserver/wms/kml?layers=kulturminner_ns:gravminne&format=application/vnd.google-earth.kmz+XML& 
>>>> ",
>>>>               {
>>>>                format: OpenLayers.Format.KMZ,
>>>>                formatOptions: {
>>>>                  extractStyles: true,
>>>>                  extractAttributes: true
>>>>                }
>>>>               }));
>>>> I see now in FireBug that a http request is done to the kmz file  
>>>> but I do not see the layer in the map.
>>>> /asle
>>> -- 
>>> Alexandre Dubé
>>> Mapgears
>>> www.mapgears.com

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