[OpenLayers-Users] Dojo and OpenLayers mashup

Andre Steenveld andre.steenveld at gmail.com
Fri Nov 6 10:17:35 EST 2009

> My guess is that you have not configured your max extent and maxresolution
> correctly. However, I can't test this, because I can't find where any
> of the code that initailizes this map is, or how I can access the
> OpenLayers.Map object from the console.
> -- Chris

You can find the OL object via the following code "dijit.byId( "map" )" this
will return you the widget object which inherits from the OpenLayers.Map
class. The code for this class can be found in the zip file in
./nmpo/geo/MapViewer.js The actual configuring happens from line 120 to 155.
The configuration class can be found in ./nmpo/geo/Config.js wich parses the
XML file and produces the layers, controls, config object and an additional
config object.
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