[OpenLayers-Users] howto fix overviewmap

Lars Lingner ml at lingner.eu
Fri Nov 13 07:01:32 EST 2009


in my application I defined an overviewmap like this:

var ovmap = new OpenLayers.Layer.Image( "ovmap",
   new OpenLayers.Bounds(485455.0625, 109856,512934.34375, 135514),
   new OpenLayers.Size(178,162)

var ov_options = {
   layers: [ovmap],
   mapOptions: {
       numZoomLevels: 1,
       autoPan: false,
//                        alwaysInRange: true,
       restrictedExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(485455.0625,
109856,512934.34375, 135514 )
   size: new OpenLayers.Size(178, 162),

and add ov_options to the control:

new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap( ov_options )

The image is shown but if I zoom in, the overviewmap gets recenterd.
What kind of mistake am I doing?

Setting restrictedExtent also doesn't work. Should I resize my image to
an more appropriate size or doesn't the size matter?

Thanks in advance for any hints.


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