[OpenLayers-Users] Drawing WFS (with vector)

JuKiM rifins at gmail.com
Fri Nov 27 10:49:32 EST 2009

Hi list,

I suppose for what I'm reading that "the best practices" way to draw a WFS
layer, is using the Vector Layer defining a WFS protocol..

My question is about that... How is drawn a WFS Layer or a WFS Vector? I
mean, with WMS, the client gets images and no more processing is needed..
But how (where?) Openlayer.js read/parse the gml information that serves
If I want to draw some points programatically, what is the best way? Create
a GML compliant file, and tell OpenLayers to draw it? Or make a simple XML
(less verbose than GML), and read it doing addMarker at each new location ?

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