[OpenLayers-Users] proxy.cgi fails

Marc Jansen jansen at terrestris.de
Fri Aug 27 04:22:46 EDT 2010

Hi Sven,

Just some thoughts/questions:

    * What is the exact server message?
    * Is your test.cgi a python cgi?
    * Can proxy.cgi find the pythoin executable?
    * On a terminal on that machine issue
      which python

      This should give you the path to the python executable
      (/path/to/python). Replace the first line in the proxy.cgi script
      #!/usr/bin/env python

      to the output of 'which'

    * Is the script executable (check it with ls -la, maybe add it with
      chmod +x proxy.cgi)


On 27.08.2010 09:36, Sven Burbeck wrote:
> Hello,
> sorry for asking stupid newbie questions but I fail to get the
> proxi.cgi working.
> I followed the FAQ description:
> http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/FrequentlyAskedQuestions#ProxyHost
> I've installed Apache 2.2.13 on SUSE11.2 via rpm.
> Apparently the default cgi-bin is under /srv/www/cgi-bin
> I put a test.cgi there and it works when calling it:
> http://localhost/cgi-bin/test.cgi
> However, trying the same with proxy.cgi fails.
> Is there anything else I have to consider?
> cheers,
> Sven
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