[OpenLayers-Users] case insensitiv wfs filter

info at informatik-halle.de info at informatik-halle.de
Thu Jul 1 03:05:40 EDT 2010

Hi guys,

sorry for cross-posting.

I am using a geoserver(2.0.1) as a wfs-service with a postgresql
database and openlayers to show the data.

There is a possibility for the user to search data
within this openlayers application. I am using the
entered searchstring to form a getfeature request.

I am using the filter-function for this:

<ogc:propertyislike wildCard="*" singleChar="." escape="!">

The problem is that when a user enters a string which is differs only
a tiny bit to the string in the database (case sensitive), the
entry cannot be found. For example: gEoGrApHiE, geographie, GEOGRAPHIE,

Can someone help me to create a case insensitiv application using
openlayers, geoserver and postgresql.

I already found the "matchCase"-option in openlayers, but this
can only be used for EQUAL_TO filters which is not of any help
for me.
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