July 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jul 1 00:18:58 EDT 2010
Ending: Sat Jul 31 06:47:15 EDT 2010
Messages: 506
- [OpenLayers-Users] WMS Map request
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] hardcoded gml:featureMemeber of WFS layer in
openlayers ?
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Load GML layer from text field?
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Moving LayerSwitcher position from top-right
corner to bottom-left corner
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] MapFish vs OpenLayers
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to get get the WMS-layer's parameters
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Working with Openlayers.Layer.Vector and WFS
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Working with Openlayers.Layer.Vector and WFS
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Set Bbox of WMS request
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Set Bbox of WMS request
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] MapFish vs OpenLayers
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] SphericalMercator and SRS aliases
epsg:900913, epsg:3857, epsg:3785, epsg:102113
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] SphericalMercator and SRS aliases
epsg:900913, epsg:3857, epsg:3785, epsg:102113
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Remove feature control needed
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to create legends for WMS Layers
Rahn Hanno (rahn)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Delete title in layerswitcher
Rahn Hanno (rahn)
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers in an Eclipse Workbench!?
Falko Bräutigam
- [OpenLayers-Users] [OpenLayers-Dev] WFS GetFeature - again
- [OpenLayers-Users] Tile Cache
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to display PostGIS data through
Openlayers and JSP
- [OpenLayers-Users] hardcoded gml:featureMemeber of WFS layer in
openlayers ?
Guðmundur Jökulsson
- [OpenLayers-Users] problem proxy.cgi configuration
Ricardo Rodríguez
- [OpenLayers-Users] pb with Strategy.Refresh
Sébastien Geindre
- [OpenLayers-Users] Fwd: pb with Strategy.Refresh
Sébastien Geindre
- [OpenLayers-Users] MergeNewParams / redraw
Sascha Müller
- [OpenLayers-Users] MergeNewParams / redraw [SOLVED]
Sascha Müller
- [OpenLayers-Users] Vector layer returns entire data set
Bartłomiej Burkot
- [OpenLayers-Users] Working with Openlayers.Layer.Vector and WFS
Eduardo José Ramos
- [OpenLayers-Users] Working with Openlayers.Layer.Vector and WFS
Eduardo José Ramos
- [OpenLayers-Users] Working with Openlayers.Layer.Vector and WFS
Eduardo José Ramos
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to use Other Projections in a stand
alone client side environment
Mike Adair
- [OpenLayers-Users] problems with zoom and resolutions
Francesco Angi
- [OpenLayers-Users] Select notifiers & Map Markers
Lennox Antoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Calculating zoom level from an area
Lennox Antoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Empty Base Layer?
Lennox Antoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Empty Base Layer?
Lennox Antoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Empty Base Layer?
Lennox Antoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] disable double click
Lennox Antoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] google maps-like zooming
Lennox Antoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] 2.9 draw polygon problem
Jimmy Aumard
- [OpenLayers-Users] Security issues dealing with openlayers
Manuel Aymerich
- [OpenLayers-Users] themes?
- [OpenLayers-Users] MergeNewParams / redraw
- [OpenLayers-Users] Center map to minx miny maxx maxy coordinate
- [OpenLayers-Users] Scale dependent layer problems
- [OpenLayers-Users] Scale dependent layer problems
- [OpenLayers-Users] Scale dependent layer problems
- [OpenLayers-Users] Trying to troubleshoot a map: redrawing
layer with SLD style
- [OpenLayers-Users] customize PanZoomBar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Empty Base Layer?
- [OpenLayers-Users] Layers/OverLays are not Transparent in IE
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to minimize openlayers.js file
- [OpenLayers-Users] SphericalMercator and SRS aliases epsg:900913,
epsg:3857, epsg:3785, epsg:102113
Anne Blankert
- [OpenLayers-Users] SphericalMercator and SRS aliases
epsg:900913, epsg:3857, epsg:3785, epsg:102113
Anne Blankert
- [OpenLayers-Users] SphericalMercator and SRS aliases
epsg:900913, epsg:3857, epsg:3785, epsg:102113
Anne Blankert
- [OpenLayers-Users] SphericalMercator and SRS aliases
epsg:900913, epsg:3857, epsg:3785, epsg:102113
Anne Blankert
- [OpenLayers-Users] SphericalMercator and SRS aliases
epsg:900913, epsg:3857, epsg:3785, epsg:102113
Anne Blankert
- [OpenLayers-Users] SphericalMercator and SRS aliases
epsg:900913, epsg:3857, epsg:3785, epsg:102113
Anne Blankert
- [OpenLayers-Users] SphericalMercator and SRS aliases
epsg:900913, epsg:3857, epsg:3785, epsg:102113
Anne Blankert
- [OpenLayers-Users] ArcGIS Online Cached tiles datum shift
Vadim Bokin
- [OpenLayers-Users] ArcGIS Online Cached tiles datum shift
Vadim Bokin
- [OpenLayers-Users] ArcGIS Online Cached tiles datum shift
Vadim Bokin
- [OpenLayers-Users] ArcGIS Online Cached tiles datum shift
Vadim Bokin
- [OpenLayers-Users] ArcGIS Online Cached tiles datum shift
Vadim Bokin
- [OpenLayers-Users] VirtualEarth VEMapStyle.Birdseye mode doesn't
- [OpenLayers-Users] Manually 'select' feature
Alex Brandsen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Manually 'select' feature
Alex Brandsen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Manually 'select' feature
Alex Brandsen
- [OpenLayers-Users] force and manage labels with sld
Jan Burdziej
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with Google layers positioning after map
Armin Burger
- [OpenLayers-Users] Newbie Question about releases
Wendy Cameron
- [OpenLayers-Users] Set Bbox of WMS request
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to get get the WMS-layer's parameters
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Set Bbox of WMS request
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Set Bbox of WMS request
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Set Bbox of WMS request
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Set Bbox of WMS request
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Set Bbox of WMS request
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] change only one attribute in style?
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Smooth panning and zoom problem
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Smooth panning and zoom problem
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] disable double click
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] disable double click
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Override 'click' event of RegularPolygon handler
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Augmenting a method?
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Capturing mouse events
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Help with changing the color of drawn
features ?
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Help with changing the color of drawn
features ?
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] wfs
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] wfs
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] google map v3
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] International date line and bounds
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] International date line and bounds
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Satellite Maps for free or low cost?
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] International date line and bounds
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Satellite Maps for free or low cost?
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] International date line and bounds
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] International date line and bounds
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Can't restrict Openlayers.Layer.OSM to use
specific zoom levels
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] google maps-like zooming
Piero Campa
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] overwriting functions
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] overwriting functions
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] overwriting functions
Piero Campa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Creating styles based on the values of
calculated variables.
Dheeraj Chand
- [OpenLayers-Users] Trying to troubleshoot a map: redrawing layer
with SLD style
Dheeraj Chand
- [OpenLayers-Users] href in kml popup
- [OpenLayers-Users] href in kml popup
- [OpenLayers-Users] GeoServer WFS
Ralph Dell
- [OpenLayers-Users] Modifiy-Feature and Projection
Carsten Eider
- [OpenLayers-Users] Markers layer and onMapResize
Bart van den Eijnden
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers.Control.GetFeature with diffrent
layers (typenames) and different servers
Bart van den Eijnden
- [OpenLayers-Users] MapFish vs OpenLayers
Bart van den Eijnden
- [OpenLayers-Users] Confused about items on a map.
Bart van den Eijnden
- [OpenLayers-Users] SphericalMercator and SRS aliases
epsg:900913, epsg:3857, epsg:3785, epsg:102113
Bart van den Eijnden
- [OpenLayers-Users] Tiles and border
Bart van den Eijnden
- [OpenLayers-Users] wfs
Bart van den Eijnden
- [OpenLayers-Users] Geowebcache
Moataz Elmasry
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to minimize openlayers.js file
Moataz Elmasry
- [OpenLayers-Users] Noob question. I get my overlay when I have
no base layer...
Adam Eskreis
- [OpenLayers-Users] geoserver 1.7.4 to 2.0.1. doesn#t show WFS any
Barbara Fiederer
- [OpenLayers-Users] geoserver 1.7.4 to 2.0.1. doesn#t show WFS
any more
Barbara Fiederer
- [OpenLayers-Users] geoserver 1.7.4 to 2.0.1. doesn#t show WFS
any more
Barbara Fiederer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Get Length of Vector Polyline
Johnathan Fletcher
- [OpenLayers-Users] MapFish vs OpenLayers
Brent Fraser
- [OpenLayers-Users] Markers layer and onMapResize
- [OpenLayers-Users] VirtualEarth pan problem
- [OpenLayers-Users] Layer Tree model
Fermi Garriga
- [OpenLayers-Users] Geowebcache
Fermi Garriga
- [OpenLayers-Users] openlayers and css error
Nathan Gerber
- [OpenLayers-Users] map with position:absolute not displayed in
ie <= 7
Nathan Gerber
- [OpenLayers-Users] Fwd: pb with Strategy.Refresh
Kris Geusebroek
- [OpenLayers-Users] customize PanZoomBar
Gilbert, Antoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] Unable to Rollback changes on WFS update failure
Godfrey, David A TRAN:EX
- [OpenLayers-Users] Openlayers + jquery
Richard Greenwood
- [OpenLayers-Users] Vector layer and GML size
Gundel, Aaron
- [OpenLayers-Users] zooming on a complex vector (gml) layer
Gundel, Aaron
- [OpenLayers-Users] Noob question. I get my overlay when I have no
base layer...
Jeff Heard
- [OpenLayers-Users] WMS Time Example
Daryl Herzmann
- [OpenLayers-Users] Function to get visible layers on a map?
Robert Hicks
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers.Request.POST and character Ñ with safari
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] MergeNewParams / redraw
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Transparent Overlays
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Limit total Vector Layer points to be drawn
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Is there a "LikeBing" layer out there?
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] geoserver 1.7.4 to 2.0.1. doesn#t show WFS
any more
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Correct layerUrls syntax
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Smooth panning and zoom problem
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] SphericalMercator and SRS aliases
epsg:900913, epsg:3857, epsg:3785, epsg:102113
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] SphericalMercator and SRS aliases
epsg:900913, epsg:3857, epsg:3785, epsg:102113
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Resolutions with Geowebcache and
WMSGetFeatureInfo [Sec=Unclassified]
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] SphericalMercator and SRS aliases
epsg:900913, epsg:3857, epsg:3785, epsg:102113
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Draggable (Gunsight) Control?
Andrew Hughes
- [OpenLayers-Users] Draggable (Gunsight) Control?
Andrew Hughes
- [OpenLayers-Users] draw rectangle over the map
Sveen Atle Frenvik (Geomatikk IKT)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Remove rectangle from the map
Sveen Atle Frenvik (Geomatikk IKT)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Draggable (Gunsight) Control?
Sveen Atle Frenvik (Geomatikk IKT)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Draggable (Gunsight) Control?
Sveen Atle Frenvik (Geomatikk IKT)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Displaying message when certain layer is
Sveen Atle Frenvik (Geomatikk IKT)
- [OpenLayers-Users] FetaureInfo not displaying
Sveen Atle Frenvik (Geomatikk IKT)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Getting Started with TMS
David Ing
- [OpenLayers-Users] Openlayers + jquery
- [OpenLayers-Users] Openlayers + jquery
- [OpenLayers-Users] draw rectangle over the map
- [OpenLayers-Users] draw rectangle over the map
- [OpenLayers-Users] Remove rectangle from the map
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS reprojection help
Zoran Jankovic
- [OpenLayers-Users] Resolutions with Geowebcache and
WMSGetFeatureInfo [Sec=Unclassified]
Miles Jordan
- [OpenLayers-Users] Resolutions with Geowebcache and
WMSGetFeatureInfo [Sec=Unclassified]
Miles Jordan
- [OpenLayers-Users] extract attributes from a geoserver wms
Miles Jordan
- [OpenLayers-Users] Resolutions with Geowebcache and
WMSGetFeatureInfo [Sec=Unclassified]
Miles Jordan
- [OpenLayers-Users] Loading a map into a hidden div in Safari
- [OpenLayers-Users] Loading a map into a hidden div in Safari
- [OpenLayers-Users] Open Layers Configuration
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] Open Layers Configuration
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] Open Layers Configuration
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] Open Layers Configuration
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with WMS Service call - Exception
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] WMS Map request
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] WMS Map request
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] Select notifiers & Map Markers
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] Transparent Overlays
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] Custom Map Service
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] New Layer Configurations
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] New Layer Configurations
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] New Layer Configurations
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] Custom Map Service
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] Adding forms to Layers
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] Get the value of the element of an XML File
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] Tile Cache
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] Changing Map bounds Dynamically
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] Changing Map bounds Dynamically
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] Changing Map bounds Dynamically
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] Changing Map bounds Dynamically
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] Layers/OverLays are not Transparent in IE
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] Layers/OverLays are not Transparent in IE
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] Layers/OverLays are not Transparent in IE
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] Google Layer in OLayers
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] Google Layer in OLayers
Kalyan Kamepalli
- [OpenLayers-Users] Displaying message when certain layer is checked
M. Rizwan Khan
- [OpenLayers-Users] FetaureInfo not displaying
M. Rizwan Khan
- [OpenLayers-Users] FetaureInfo not displaying
M. Rizwan Khan
- [OpenLayers-Users] Google EPSG:900913 and Italian EPSG:3003
- [OpenLayers-Users] Google EPSG:900913 and Italian EPSG:3003
- [OpenLayers-Users] Google EPSG:900913 and Italian EPSG:3003
- [OpenLayers-Users] WMS getFeatureInfo Popup
- [OpenLayers-Users] Creating styles based on the values
of calculated variables.
Mak Kolybabi
- [OpenLayers-Users] IE8 not showing the move cursor during pan
Mak Kolybabi
- [OpenLayers-Users] box coordinates of GetFeatures
Langhans, Daniel
- [OpenLayers-Users] Capturing mouse events
Mike Leahy
- [OpenLayers-Users] Capturing mouse events
Mike Leahy
- [OpenLayers-Users] Capturing mouse events
Mike Leahy
- [OpenLayers-Users] Capturing mouse events
Mike Leahy
- [OpenLayers-Users] MergeNewParams / redraw
Sascha M.
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenGastroMap.org
- [OpenLayers-Users] externalGraphic anchoring points?
William Martin
- [OpenLayers-Users] externalGraphic anchoring points?
William Martin
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to display PostGIS data through Openlayers
and JSP
George Matt
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to display PostGIS data through
Openlayers and JSP
George Matt
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to implement online spatial analysis
George Matt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Online spatial analysis
George Matt
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to use Other Projections in a stand alone
client side environment
Subhani Minhas
- [OpenLayers-Users] MapFish vs OpenLayers
Yves Moisan
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers & Drupal
Yves Moisan
- [OpenLayers-Users] Calculating zoom level from an area
- [OpenLayers-Users] Calculating zoom level from an area
- [OpenLayers-Users] externalGraphic anchoring points?
- [OpenLayers-Users] extract attributes from a geoserver wms
Giuseppe Naponiello
- [OpenLayers-Users] Google EPSG:900913 and Italian EPSG:3003
Umberto Nicoletti
- [OpenLayers-Users] Getting server output when using save
Gabriel Nolasco
- [OpenLayers-Users] Proxyhost Error -Could not determine geoserver
request from http request org.apache.catalina.connector
- [OpenLayers-Users] Overview map control not synchronized with the
map control
Jehanzeb Orakzai
- [OpenLayers-Users] Change the background color of the WMS layer
Jehanzeb Orakzai
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to perform spatial search
Jehanzeb Orakzai
- [OpenLayers-Users] SVG
Thomas PAPIN
- [OpenLayers-Users] SVG
Thomas PAPIN
- [OpenLayers-Users] SVG
Thomas PAPIN
- [OpenLayers-Users] Vector layer returns entire data set
Rohan Parkes
- [OpenLayers-Users] pre-generate BBOX attribute for features
Ravi Pavuluri
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers Webmap for Global Pulse Journal
John Pearson
- [OpenLayers-Users] Tiles and border
Peter Peterse
- [OpenLayers-Users] Tiles and border
Peter Peterse
- [OpenLayers-Users] Tiles and border
Peter Peterse
- [OpenLayers-Users] Strange behaviour
OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo with tiled WMS
Arlen Poort
- [OpenLayers-Users] Custom EditingToolbar displays the wrong button
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Custom EditingToolbar displays the wrong
button icon
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Custom EditingToolbar displays the wrong
button icon
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Custom EditingToolbar displays the wrong
button icon
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Getting server output when using save strategy
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Getting server output when using save
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Can't restrict Openlayers.Layer.OSM to use
specific zoom levels
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Can't restrict Openlayers.Layer.OSM to use
specific zoom levels
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Moving LayerSwitcher position from top-right
corner to bottom-left corner
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Doing something when the layer's features get
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Moving LayerSwitcher position from top-right
corner to bottom-left corner
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Moving LayerSwitcher position from top-right
corner to bottom-left corner
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Doing something when the layer's features
get deleted
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Moving LayerSwitcher position from top-right
corner to bottom-left corner
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Moving LayerSwitcher position from top-right
corner to bottom-left corner
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] Unable to Rollback changes on WFS update
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] layerswitcher position?
Adrian Popa
- [OpenLayers-Users] "position: fixed" map
Ciaran Power
- [OpenLayers-Users] Is there a "LikeBing" layer out there?
Mike Purvis
- [OpenLayers-Users] Is there a "LikeBing" layer out there?
Mike Purvis
- [OpenLayers-Users] Is there a "LikeBing" layer out there?
Mike Purvis
- [OpenLayers-Users] Empty Base Layer?
Mike Purvis
- [OpenLayers-Users] Empty Base Layer?
Mike Purvis
- [OpenLayers-Users] Empty Base Layer?
Mike Purvis
- [OpenLayers-Users] Empty Base Layer?
Mike Purvis
- [OpenLayers-Users] themes?
Imran Rajjad
- [OpenLayers-Users] problem in change bgcolor of layer switcher
Imran Rajjad
- [OpenLayers-Users] Help on Routing
Imran Rajjad
- [OpenLayers-Users] Overview map control not synchronized with
the map control
Imran Rajjad
- [OpenLayers-Users] assigning custom mouse cursor to StyleMap
Imran Rajjad
- [OpenLayers-Users] unable to add geometries to geometry collection
Imran Rajjad
- [OpenLayers-Users] add an arrow to line feature
Imran Rajjad
- [OpenLayers-Users] add an arrow to line feature
Imran Rajjad
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to perform spatial search
Imran Rajjad
- [OpenLayers-Users] FetaureInfo not displaying
Imran Rajjad
- [OpenLayers-Users] layerswitcher position?
Imran Rajjad
- [OpenLayers-Users] Google Map Directions possible?
Sridhar Raman
- [OpenLayers-Users] Working with Openlayers.Layer.Vector and WFS
Eduardo Ramos
- [OpenLayers-Users] Working with Openlayers.Layer.Vector and WFS
Eduardo Ramos
- [OpenLayers-Users] Working with Openlayers.Layer.Vector and WFS
Eduardo Ramos
- [OpenLayers-Users] Missing namespace prefix for PropertyName
Eduardo Ramos
- [OpenLayers-Users] Missing namespace prefix for PropertyName
Eduardo Ramos
- [OpenLayers-Users] Requesting Complex Types from WFS
Eduardo Ramos
- [OpenLayers-Users] Requesting Complex Types from WFS
Eduardo Ramos
- [OpenLayers-Users] Spatial filter BBOX limitation?
Eduardo Ramos
- [OpenLayers-Users] Limit total Vector Layer points to be drawn
Gilberto Ramos
- [OpenLayers-Users] vector layers not shown with geoserver
Gilberto Ramos
- [OpenLayers-Users] working with features
Gilberto Ramos
- [OpenLayers-Users] Working with Openlayers.Layer.Vector and WFS
Gilberto Ramos
- [OpenLayers-Users] MapFish vs OpenLayers
Gilberto Ramos
- [OpenLayers-Users] MapFish vs OpenLayers
Gilberto Ramos
- [OpenLayers-Users] Get the value of the element of an XML File
Gilberto Ramos
- [OpenLayers-Users] working with features
Gilberto Ramos
- [OpenLayers-Users] vector layers not shown with geoserver
Gilberto Ramos
- [OpenLayers-Users] Zoom to dinamic WMS Layer
Gilberto Ramos
- [OpenLayers-Users] Layer Tree model
Gilberto Ramos
- [OpenLayers-Users] Openlayers + jquery
Christoph Ratke
- [OpenLayers-Users] Help on Routing
Diego Roberto
- [OpenLayers-Users] WMS Time Example
Jakub Rojek
- [OpenLayers-Users] href in kml popup
- [OpenLayers-Users] KML file not showing with open layer example
- [OpenLayers-Users] KML file not showing with open layer example
- [OpenLayers-Users] openlayers and css error
- [OpenLayers-Users] openlayers and css error
- [OpenLayers-Users] add an arrow to line feature
- [OpenLayers-Users] Set Bbox of WMS request
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to integrate OpenLayers in Sahana?
- [OpenLayers-Users] Help with changing the color of drawn
features ?
- [OpenLayers-Users] Openlayer is messing with dragging of popup.
Please help
- [OpenLayers-Users] cluster strategy and selectFeature control
Adam Ryan
- [OpenLayers-Users] Google-Maps with WMS layer from GeoServer,
printing problem in IE
- [OpenLayers-Users] Google EPSG:900913 and Italian EPSG:3003
Phil Scadden
- [OpenLayers-Users] Open Layers Configuration
Phil Scadden
- [OpenLayers-Users] Calculating min/max resolution for an image
Phil Scadden
- [OpenLayers-Users] SphericalMercator and SRS aliases
epsg:900913, epsg:3857, epsg:3785, epsg:102113
Phil Scadden
- [OpenLayers-Users] Capturing mouse events
Phil Scadden
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS - slowly Speed
Tim Schaub
- [OpenLayers-Users] Resolutions with Geowebcache and
WMSGetFeatureInfo [Sec=Unclassified]
Tim Schaub
- [OpenLayers-Users] Change the background color of the WMS layer
Sarah Schuessler
- [OpenLayers-Users] Need help with WMSGetFeatureInfo
Sarah Schuessler
- [OpenLayers-Users] Need help with WMSGetFeatureInfo
Sarah Schuessler
- [OpenLayers-Users] Delete title in layerswitcher
Sarah Schuessler
- [OpenLayers-Users] openlayers and css error
Arnie Shore
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to integrate OpenLayers in Sahana?
Arnie Shore
- [OpenLayers-Users] Adding forms to Layers
- [OpenLayers-Users] Adding radiobuttons to LayerSwitcher
Mehmet Sirin
- [OpenLayers-Users] Adding radiobuttons to LayerSwitcher
Mehmet Sirin
- [OpenLayers-Users] Linebreaks in label and backgroundimage for
Mehmet Sirin
- [OpenLayers-Users] Does OL support MapABC ?
Blue Sky
- [OpenLayers-Users] RegularPolygon as a search polygon
Brad Spencer
- [OpenLayers-Users] RegularPolygon as a search polygon
Brad Spencer
- [OpenLayers-Users] RegularPolygon as a search polygon
Brad Spencer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Overview map control not synchronized with
the map control
Zac Spitzer
- [OpenLayers-Users] cluster strategy and selectFeature control
Zac Spitzer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Layers/OverLays are not Transparent in IE
Zac Spitzer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Don't want two Control.Panel activate in the
same time
Bob Sponge
- [OpenLayers-Users] RE [Polluriel potentiel] WMS getFeatureInfo Popup
Steve.Toutant at inspq.qc.ca
- [OpenLayers-Users] GIS/Web developer job - OpenLayers / open source
Jennifer Strahan
- [OpenLayers-Users] Transition Effect Problem
Zaineb Suleman
- [OpenLayers-Users] ArcGIS Online Cached tiles datum shift
Mike Swope
- [OpenLayers-Users] Question on using multiple layers in
different projections
Vito Tafuni
- [OpenLayers-Users] combinate Cluster-Strategy and PopupMarker
Jan Tappenbeck
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers.Control.GetFeature with diffrent
layers (typenames) and different servers
Esben Taudorf
- [OpenLayers-Users] maxResolution,
minResolution and resolutions in OpenLayers
Esben Taudorf
- [OpenLayers-Users] maxResolution,
minResolution and resolutions in OpenLayers
Esben Taudorf
- [OpenLayers-Users] Displaying images even at the edge of the screen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Scale dependent layer problems
Ian Turton
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS reprojection help
Ian Turton
- [OpenLayers-Users] Set Bbox of WMS request
Ian Turton
- [OpenLayers-Users] Get the value of the element of an XML File
Arnaud Vandecasteele
- [OpenLayers-Users] Cluster strategy different styles
Arnaud Vandecasteele
- [OpenLayers-Users] Rule Filter and Context
Arnaud Vandecasteele
- [OpenLayers-Users] MapFish vs OpenLayers
Vidal, Antoni
- [OpenLayers-Users] MapFish vs OpenLayers
Vidal, Antoni
- [OpenLayers-Users] Remove feature control needed
Vidal, Antoni
- [OpenLayers-Users] Re-write featureadded function
Vidal, Antoni
- [OpenLayers-Users] Get Length of Vector Polyline
Derek Watling
- [OpenLayers-Users] Function to get visible layers on a map?
Arnd Wippermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] Proportional Symbols from
Arnd Wippermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] Trying to troubleshoot a map: redrawing
layerwith SLD style
Arnd Wippermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] change only one attribute in style?
Arnd Wippermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] change only one attribute in style?
Arnd Wippermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] Manually 'select' feature
Arnd Wippermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] Zoom to dinamic WMS Layer
Arnd Wippermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] SphericalMercator and SRS aliases
epsg:900913, epsg:3857, epsg:3785, epsg:102113
Arnd Wippermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] SphericalMercator and SRS aliases
epsg:900913, epsg:3857, epsg:3785, epsg:102113
Arnd Wippermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] Adding radiobuttons to LayerSwitcher
Arnd Wippermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] SphericalMercator and SRS aliases
epsg:900913, epsg:3857, epsg:3785, epsg:102113
Arnd Wippermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] SphericalMercator and SRS aliases
epsg:900913, epsg:3857, epsg:3785, epsg:102113
Arnd Wippermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] externalGraphic anchoring points?
Arnd Wippermann
Arnd Wippermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] wms coordinates
Arnd Wippermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] Change Layers,
but Layer does not show until zoom out/in performed
Stephen Woodbridge
- [OpenLayers-Users] Change Layers,
but Layer does not show until zoom out/in performed
Stephen Woodbridge
- [OpenLayers-Users] Change Layers,
but Layer does not show until zoom out/in performed
Stephen Woodbridge
- [OpenLayers-Users] Is there a "LikeBing" layer out there?
Stephen Woodbridge
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to display PostGIS data through
Openlayers and JSP
Stephen Woodbridge
- [OpenLayers-Users] externalGraphic anchoring points?
Stephen Woodbridge
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS Error with XML Parsing Error
Robert Zimmermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS Error with XML Parsing Error
Robert Zimmermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] GeoServer WFS
Robert Zimmermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] GeoServer WFS
Robert Zimmermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] Working with Openlayers.Layer.Vector and WFS
Robert Zimmermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] Working with Openlayers.Layer.Vector and WFS
Robert Zimmermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] Working with Openlayers.Layer.Vector and WFS
Robert Zimmermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS - slowly Speed
Robert Zimmermann
- [OpenLayers-Users] click link outside the map and popup will show
- [OpenLayers-Users] Need help with WMSGetFeatureInfo
- [OpenLayers-Users] Need help with WMSGetFeatureInfo
- [OpenLayers-Users] Need help with WMSGetFeatureInfo
- [OpenLayers-Users] Need help with WMSGetFeatureInfo
- [OpenLayers-Users] International date line and bounds
David Zwarg
- [OpenLayers-Users] International date line and bounds
David Zwarg
- [OpenLayers-Users] Labels allways on top of everything else
- [OpenLayers-Users] map with position:absolute not displayed in ie
<= 7
- [OpenLayers-Users] Load GML layer from text field?
- [OpenLayers-Users] map with position:absolute not displayed in
ie <= 7
christopher.schmidt at Nokia.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] Can't restrict Openlayers.Layer.OSM to
use specific zoom levels
christopher.schmidt at nokia.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] Calculating zoom level from an area
christopher.schmidt at nokia.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] Confused about items on a map.
christopher.schmidt at nokia.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS reprojection help
christopher.schmidt at nokia.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] Newbie Question about releases
christopher.schmidt at nokia.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS reprojection help
christopher.schmidt at nokia.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS reprojection help
christopher.schmidt at nokia.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] SphericalMercator and SRS aliases
epsg:900913, epsg:3857, epsg:3785, epsg:102113
christopher.schmidt at nokia.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] SphericalMercator and SRS aliases
epsg:900913, epsg:3857, epsg:3785, epsg:102113
christopher.schmidt at nokia.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] Changing Map bounds Dynamically
christopher.schmidt at nokia.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] SVG
christopher.schmidt at nokia.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] ArcGIS Online Cached tiles datum shift
christopher.schmidt at nokia.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] force and manage labels with sld
christopher.schmidt at nokia.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] features vanish on zoom
christopher.schmidt at nokia.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] features jump around
christopher.schmidt at nokia.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] features jump around
christopher.schmidt at nokia.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] externalGraphic anchoring points?
christopher.schmidt at nokia.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] Can't restrict Openlayers.Layer.OSM to
use specific zoom levels
christopher.schmidt at nokia.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to minimize openlayers.js file
christopher.schmidt at nokia.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to integrate OpenLayers in Sahana?
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to integrate OpenLayers in Sahana?
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to add OpenLayers to Sahana?
joi d
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to make a OpenLayers plugin?
joi d
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to integrate OpenLayers in Sahana?
joi d
- [OpenLayers-Users] Adding forms to Layers
- [OpenLayers-Users] Manually 'select' feature
- [OpenLayers-Users] Manually 'select' feature
- [OpenLayers-Users] KML doesn't display from Http response
- [OpenLayers-Users] KML doesn't display from Http response
- [OpenLayers-Users] KML doesn't display from Http response
- [OpenLayers-Users] multiple markers for a single coordinate
- [OpenLayers-Users] Proportional Symbols from GML
- [OpenLayers-Users] Proportional Symbols from
- [OpenLayers-Users] Zoom to point given feature ID by GET
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers + GeoExt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Overview map control in a seperate Ext Panel
- [OpenLayers-Users] openlayers and css error
- [OpenLayers-Users] openlayers and css error
- [OpenLayers-Users] openlayers and css error
- [OpenLayers-Users] box coordinates of GetFeatures
- [OpenLayers-Users] Does OL support MapABC ?
- [OpenLayers-Users] Limit total Vector Layer points to be drawn
- [OpenLayers-Users] Limit total Vector Layer points to be drawn
- [OpenLayers-Users] mailing lish
sri harsha
- [OpenLayers-Users] wfs
sri harsha
- [OpenLayers-Users] wfs
sri harsha
- [OpenLayers-Users] case insensitiv wfs filter
info at informatik-halle.de
- [OpenLayers-Users] Change the background color of the WMS layer
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to minimize openlayers.js file
usha madhuri
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to minimize openlayers.js file
usha madhuri
- [OpenLayers-Users] Scale dependent layer problems
- [OpenLayers-Users] Scale dependent layer problems
- [OpenLayers-Users] Scale dependent layer problems
- [OpenLayers-Users] Scale dependent layer problems
- [OpenLayers-Users] Correct layerUrls syntax
- [OpenLayers-Users] Correct layerUrls syntax
- [OpenLayers-Users] Google Layer in OLayers
- [OpenLayers-Users] CQL queries with WFS
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers & Drupal
petrus451 at canada.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] Center map to minx miny maxx maxy coordinate
michele pierri
- [OpenLayers-Users] Center map to minx miny maxx maxy coordinate
michele pierri
- [OpenLayers-Users] Center map to minx miny maxx maxy coordinate
michele pierri
- [OpenLayers-Users] How can i use google driving direction in
- [OpenLayers-Users] Delete title in layerswitcher
- [OpenLayers-Users] wms coordinates
- [OpenLayers-Users] Severel KML-Files,
AnchoredBubble to selected Layer
- [OpenLayers-Users] KML file not showing with open layer example
- [OpenLayers-Users] Style context as an object ?
- [OpenLayers-Users] overwriting functions
- [OpenLayers-Users] RegularPolygon as a search polygon
tino.desjardins at arcor.de
- [OpenLayers-Users] Adding forms to Layers
tino.desjardins at arcor.de
- [OpenLayers-Users] Adding forms to Layers
tino.desjardins at arcor.de
- [OpenLayers-Users] GeoServer WFS
tino.desjardins at arcor.de
- [OpenLayers-Users] Changing Map bounds Dynamically
tino.desjardins at arcor.de
- [OpenLayers-Users] Delete title in layerswitcher
tino.desjardins at arcor.de
- [OpenLayers-Users] Delete title in layerswitcher
tino.desjardins at arcor.de
- [OpenLayers-Users] Changing Map bounds Dynamically
tino.desjardins at arcor.de
- [OpenLayers-Users] Confused about items on a map.
- [OpenLayers-Users] Confused about items on a map.
- [OpenLayers-Users] Confused about items on a map.
- [OpenLayers-Users] working with features
- [OpenLayers-Users] working with features
- [OpenLayers-Users] working with features
- [OpenLayers-Users] change only one attribute in style?
- [OpenLayers-Users] change only one attribute in style?
- [OpenLayers-Users] change only one attribute in style?
- [OpenLayers-Users] change only one attribute in style?
- [OpenLayers-Users] working with features
- [OpenLayers-Users] features vanish on zoom
- [OpenLayers-Users] features vanish on zoom
- [OpenLayers-Users] features vanish on zoom
- [OpenLayers-Users] features jump around
- [OpenLayers-Users] features jump around
- [OpenLayers-Users] features jump around
- [OpenLayers-Users] overwriting functions
- [OpenLayers-Users] overwriting functions
- [OpenLayers-Users] labels on feature help
- [OpenLayers-Users] labels on feature help
- [OpenLayers-Users] Help with changing the color of drawn features ?
koveras vehcna
- [OpenLayers-Users] Help with changing the color of drawn
features ?
koveras vehcna
- [OpenLayers-Users] Help with changing the color of drawn
features ?
koveras vehcna
- [OpenLayers-Users] Help with changing the color of drawn
features ?
koveras vehcna
- [OpenLayers-Users] Help with changing the color of drawn
features ?
koveras vehcna
- [OpenLayers-Users] Help with color-vector problem ?
koveras vehcna
Last message date:
Sat Jul 31 06:47:15 EDT 2010
Archived on: Wed Sep 1 17:20:28 EDT 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).