[OpenLayers-Users] Creating styles based on the values of calculated variables.

Dheeraj Chand dheeraj at dheerajchand.com
Wed Jul 14 10:40:26 EDT 2010

Hello, everyone!

First time poster, here.  I'm pretty new to JS, in general, and OpenLayers, particularly, but I'm really enjoying it so far. 

I am curious if anyone has done something like what I am trying to do.  My goal is to allow a user to select any two variables by means of a form.  These variables could be, say, the number of people in Texas, by county, from 1991 to 1999.   The goal is then to create a new variable, Var3, where Var3 = (Var1 - Var2) and then style  the entire map based on the value of Var3.  (Each variable would obviously represent an attribute of the layer) I have got everything down except how to build a style based on the value of a derived variable.  Any advice?


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