[OpenLayers-Users] extract attributes from a geoserver wms [SEC=Unclassified]

Miles Jordan Miles.Jordan at aad.gov.au
Wed Jul 28 21:07:07 EDT 2010

The content of a GetFeatureInfo response is determined by the WMS - you have very little control over what it outputs from the client side apart from applying CSS to it.

Assuming you are using Geoserver, you can create a template for what the getFeatureInfo response should look like either on a global or per-feature type level.




Giuseppe Naponiello wrote:
> Hi all,
> my problem is:
> I have a map with two wms layers served by GeoServer, and would like
> to display in a pop-up some attributes of the second layer.
> I would also like to customize the pop-ups.
> I tried several ways but the one I work is:
> #info = new OpenLayers.Control.
> #WMSGetFeatureInfo ((
> #            url: '',
> #           title: 'Identify features by clicking',
> #            queryVisible: true,
> #            eventListeners: (
> #                getfeatureinfo: function (event) (
> #                    map.addPopup (new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud (
> #                        "Chicken"
> #                        map.getLonLatFromPixel (event.xy)
> #                        null
> #                        event.text,
> #                        null
> #                        true
> #                    ));
> #                )
> #            )
> #        ));
> #        map.addControl (info);
> #        info.activate ();
> With this code, however, I see the pop-up with "all" attributes in a
> table. There is an alternative way, which doesn't uses GML, KML and
> other formats, but uses only wms or wfs?
> Another problem:
> I tried with wfs but even I can not see nothing on the map!
> I've tried with this code:
> #var wfslayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("WFS", { #   strategies:
> [new OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX()], #   protocol: new
> OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({ #             url:
> "", #             featureType:
> "aeroporti", #             featureNS: "http://geoserver.org
> <http://geoserver.org/> ", #             srsName: "EPSG:4326", #
>     version: "1.0.0" #             }) #});
> thanks to all


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