[OpenLayers-Users] hardcoded gml:featureMemeber of WFS layer in openlayers ?

Guðmundur Jökulsson gudmundur.jokulsson at ksat.no
Tue Jul 6 08:37:38 EDT 2010

hi everyone,

I have a problem adding a WFS request as overlay on the openlayers map.
Is there a way to tell it to search for other featureProperty elements 
then the basic "gml:featureMember" ?
Is it realy hard-coded into the parser source that the featureProperty 
name shall be "gml:featureMember" ?

The WFS service is set up with a GML Application Profile which defines 
its "FeaturePropertyType" as a restriction of the generic 
gml:FeaturePropertyType (and similar for the FeatureCollectionType).
This means that the structure of the GML returned from the WFS request is:

xmlns:wfsos="http://cweb.ksat.no/cweb/schema/geoweb/oil" ... 
schemaLocation="http://cweb.ksat.no/cweb/schema/geoweb/oil ...>
                <gml:Polygon srsName="EPSG:4326"> ........

It seems that the featureCollection level is ignored (as well as the 
schema location - since the schema is not loaded), so that one is not 
the problem.
I can set the name space prefix, and element name for the "feature" 
level and the geometry, but can't find any way to do this for the 
featureMember level!

If I run this from a file, and change the wfsos:featureMember into 
gml:featureMember it works fine (even if it violates the schema).

To repeat the question: Is there any way to instruct openlayers to look 
for wfsos:featureMember instead ?

Here is the code for the WFS request linkage:

             wfs_ksat = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(id, {
                     strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX()],
                     projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"),
                     protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS.v1_0_0({
                         url: ksatWFSuri,
                         featureType: "feature",
                         featureNS: "http://cweb.ksat.no/cweb/schema/geoweb/oil",
                         featurePrefix: "wfsos",
                         geometryName: "oilSpill",
                         srsName: "EPSG:4326",
                         readFormat: new OpenLayers.Format.GML(),
                         outputFormat: "GML2"
                     styleMap: styleMap

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