[OpenLayers-Users] SphericalMercator and SRS aliases epsg:900913, epsg:3857, epsg:3785, epsg:102113

Anne Blankert anne.blankert at geodan.nl
Mon Jul 19 11:37:26 EDT 2010

  Thanks for pointing to this fairly complete documentation. However, 
the subject of why and how to use the epsg:900913 aliases and the 
caveats is not yet included. I've added a section "SphericalMercator and 
EPSG aliases" to http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/SphericalMercator.

I don't think users can edit documentation such as


directly can they?

>>   Hello Bart,
>> My 2 cents:
>> In my opinion it is quite difficult for users to discover:
>> - OpenStreetMap, Google, Bing, Yahoo etc. use a projection called
>> 'SphericalMercator'
>> - 'SphericalMercator' in OpenLayers uses code 'epsg:900913'
> I think this is reasonably well documented in
>    http://docs.openlayers.org/library/spherical_mercator.html
> and if you search for:
>   http://docs.openlayers.org/search.html?q=google+projection
> You get that as one of the results. (Not as highly ranked as I would
> like, I'll admit, but it is there.)

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