[OpenLayers-Users] using conditional strokeWidth and external Graphics Cluster Strategy

Mike Adair madair at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Jun 3 09:09:52 EDT 2010


I've done that for the color and graphic like so:

var HLDefaultStyle = new OpenLayers.Style({
                fillColor: '${getStatusColor}',
                graphicName: '${getStatusShape}',
                pointRadius: 4
            }, {
            context: {
                getStatusColor: function(feature) {
                    if(feature.attributes.count > 1) {  //this means it 
is clustered
                        return '#00CCFF';
                    } else {
                getStatusShape: function(feature) {
                    if (feature.attributes.count > 1) {  //this means it 
is clustered
                        return 'circle';
                    } else {
                        var style = 
                        switch (style) {
                            case "BASE": return 'invtriangle';
                            case "CHECK": return 'circleStrike';
                            default: return 'circle';

It should be similar to set the pointRadius and external graphic through 
Style context methods.


Zac Spitzer wrote:
> Anyone got an example switching between icons ( aka externalGraphics)
> and varying sized clustered stoked circles?
> basically I want to switch to using icons for non clustered points
> If guess it's something like using context & rules in a stylemap?
> z

   Michael Adair
   Senior Software Architect
   DM Solutions Group Inc.

   Office: (613) 565-5056 x26
   madair at dmsolutions.ca

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