[OpenLayers-Users] Accessing authenticated WMS services

Vijay Sambhe VSambhe at imgs.ie
Mon Apr 4 10:37:47 EDT 2011


I am trying to access a WMS service hosted on ARCGIS server. This
service is hosted on the secure server so url of the WMS service is

For every layer I add in my openlayers script, it asks for a user name
and password. 

How could I pass the username and password information along with the

I tried https://<username>:<password>@<servername>/.... ; however I get
the error as security problem occurred whenever I drag the map. I do not
see any layer from the service in the map.

Since mine is a web application, the end users can not enter enter user
name and password everytime they open this map page.

With ARCGIS93REST, there was a workaround to not to expose token to
have a local proxy service on the local server and pass the service
requests through the local service appending token. With WMS where
authentication information needs to be entered, I could not figure it
out how to avoid that login window for every layer load.


Vijay Sambhe
Irish Mapping

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