[OpenLayers-Users] How to modify feature using WMS Layer

diegoguidi at gmail.com diegoguidi at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 10:27:04 EDT 2011

> I am working with OpenLayers and GeoServer. I have displayed a WMS Layer
> over Google Map. Now i want to edit/move or draw a new feature in this WMS
> Layer, is it possible ?

> Secondly, I have already tried to display a WFS layer but i could not
> succeed because layer is consists of more than 4000 polygons.
Of course, too much data
> I need some code example/link or good suggestion to overcome this problem.
> Or suggest me an alternate way to do this task, if i am wrong in my
> findings.
check how works SelectFeatureControl, you can use this control to work with  
a subselection of your data as vector data.
I suggest you to retrieve using GeoJSON instead of GML
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