AW: [OpenLayers-Users] WMS-C/TMS and WMTS
Andreas Hocevar
ahocevar at
Wed Aug 3 05:22:00 EDT 2011
it is enough to have the tiles in a folder structure on the disk. If the disk is on your local machine, you can even use file urls (file://). If it's on a server, the directory structure should be served by a plain HTTP server (e.g. Apache).
On Aug 3, 2011, at 10:43 , Budschedl Harald wrote:
> Andreas, thanks for the answer, but no, it's not GeoServer.
> My question is still up: is it enough to have the geocache as files on the disk, to be acessible from OL? Or do I need some service providing those files for OL?
> Harry
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Andreas Hocevar [mailto:ahocevar at]
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 02. August 2011 14:44
> An: Budschedl Harald
> Cc: openlayers-users at
> Betreff: Re: [OpenLayers-Users] WMS-C/TMS and WMTS
> Hi,
> if your WMS is GeoServer in a recent version, you already have GeoWebCache already. Just make sure that your map/baseLayer uses Web Mercator (e.g. EPSG:900913) as projection, and the maxExtent is set to the Web Mercator world bounds. Then, configure a WMS layer where you add
> tiled: true
> to the params (3rd constructor argument).
> Make sure you have "Direct GWC integration" checked on the GeoWebCache configuration page in the GeoServer web admin UI.
> Andreas.
> On Aug 2, 2011, at 13:26 , Budschedl Harald wrote:
>> Hi there
>> The tiling systems which can be used by OL are becoming more and more and I need to get more into this theme. So a few question arise and I think I ask them here. Maybe some of you can help me a bit here:
>> 1) Do you need some kind of webserver/webservice to access the tiles? I mean, yes, I know you need i.e. a WMS to be cached off in order to PRODUCE the tiles, but do you need a webserver/service afterwards to access those tiles?
>> 2) I tried and but one doesn't run under 64bit Win2008 server and the other doesn't work with floating values (i.e. Koordinates) that have a comma instead of a point as a delimiter. Descriptions and documentation of those tools are old and most of the time not accurate and for someone not too deeply involved into the world of webservers, the whole thing is a bit of a dread to get to run. The mailinglist of is not accessible anymore and the mailinglist for is dead as well (1 posting a day). Are there any other tools?
>> TIA for any answers.
>> Cya,
>> Harry
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> Andreas Hocevar
> OpenGeo -
> Expert service straight from the developers.
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