AW: [OpenLayers-Users] WMS-C/TMS and WMTS

Noli Sicad nsicad at
Thu Aug 4 04:22:49 EDT 2011

Hi Phil,

I am trying to incorporate your code to see if your code works in
mobile jquery mobile example.

I got an error ---- Can't find variable: lay

What this is lay variable?

Can't find variable: lay


new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS(,
               'openlayers/', {
                type: 'png',
                alpha: true,
                serviceVersion: '',
                layername: 'naturalearth',
                tileExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(lay.imageBounds.left,
                lay.imageBounds.bottom, lay.imageBounds.right,
      , sm),
                mapMinZoom: lay.imageMinZoom,
                mapMaxZoom: lay.imageMaxZoom,
                getURL: tms_getTileURL,
                displayOutsideMaxExtent: true,
                zoomOffset: 0,
                isBaseLayer: lay.baselayer
	new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS("MapBox Tile Natural Earth 2",
            {layername: 'natural-earth-2',
             type: 'png',
             transitionEffect: 'resize'


On 8/4/11, Phil Scadden <p.scadden at> wrote:
>> What happen when you are offline - no internet connection? Would
>> panning - zoom in / zoom out works with your code?
>> I love to have offline solution for OpenLayers.
> This works totally offline. My application is designed to be capable of
> operating off USB (a 64GB one..).
> In fact, it has 3 modes of operation. On Server, On USB but with
> Internet available, On USB alone.
> When internet is available, then it can use google layers (without
> internet it has to use a TMS file on the USB for background), other WMS,
> and it get also use script protocol to make queries against WFS but have
> link in returned attribute file point to local USB files. I am using it
> publish/index a lot of data which you want to take from the USB and put
> into other applications. Some of this is huge so USB makes more sense
> than downloading from internet. We are also considering 2TB hard drives
> for distributing some really large data sets but with same OL framework
> for finding them.
> No internet at all poses other severe limitation though. Vector layers
> need to be small - less than 500 features and search is severely
> restricted in just about every way unless you are also going to do a
> standalone server install on the PC.
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