[OpenLayers-Users] How to make interface to select area of own choice to generate tiles?

Parveen Arora mail at parveenarora.in
Sat Aug 6 01:32:18 EDT 2011

Hello All,

I am making a project using openlayers.
So I want the little help from you.
I am making a inteface for user to generate tiles after selecting are
of his own choice on any map preferably OpenStreetMap.
e.g. When we open openstreetmap.org and the go to export
there is a option to select are of own choice, So I want to put that 4
co ordinates on the left side in a file or somewhere else.
So How can I do that?

or Is there any alternate available for it, If yes please let me know.

Thank You.

Parveen Arora
E-Mail: mail at parveenarora.in

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