[OpenLayers-Users] polyline example

Luke Mackenzie luke at lukem.co.uk
Sat Aug 6 07:12:36 EDT 2011


This page contains a broken ink to an animated polyine example (Line Animator):


Does anyone have a copy of this example? I would like to know if ti would be possible to create an effect like this using openlayers:

http://econym.org.uk/gmap/example_cartrip2.htm (click start).

I actually don't need the map panning or to follow driving directions as my use case requires a generic world map with the polylines linking major cities. A closer example would be animated flight paths.

I would be extremely grateful if anyone could provide the missing example or offer any advice on how to achieve this. I've been playing with the cloudmade leaflet maps here:

http://jsfiddle.net/codecowboy/XkShV/22/ ( I want to animate the red line - I will need to dynamically add lines to the map based on lat/longs and distance covered by users)

Many thanks,

Luke Mackenzie
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