[OpenLayers-Users] Re: How can I speed up OL features rendering with SVG2?

ggarcia ggarcia at ihman.com
Fri Aug 26 07:02:27 EDT 2011

Greg thanks for you quick answer but the problem is not on the server request
because I load all the features at the beggining (I have to do that, we need
to see the whole map with all the features).
The problem cames when I'm rendering features (local side). I wanna the same
zoom in/out that we get for the "map" in "vector layer", but this cannot be
doing directly we need a factor, so everytime I zoom in/out my map I
recalculate features new size using "map.getResolution()".
Every feature has:
- 2 images
- text

Vector Layer has:
- 2000 features

So imaging everytime I'm moving the map ("moveend") how slow is the redraw
("vectorLayer.redraw()"). It would be nicer to redraw just the ones in my
viewport ("vectorLayer.drawFeature(features[i])") but how can I know which
ones are inside?

Could be the problem in my prototype render (SVG2)?

Thanks xD

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/How-can-I-speed-up-OL-features-rendering-with-SVG2-tp6725236p6728273.html
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