[OpenLayers-Users] populate vector layer from json response

Nicholas Efremov-Kendall n.e.kendall at gmail.com
Mon Jun 20 23:00:07 EDT 2011

Hi Phil et al,

Thanks for your response. The code as is does iterate through the features
as they are returned. I have a handle on it up to the plotting function. An
alert on the tweet.marker object returns [object Object], while tweet.latlng
returns readable coordinates lon=38.6834,lat=-90.4313. I guess what I'm
unsure about is how to parse the object which is passed to the third
function. Thanks again.

function acquireTweets(){
$.getJSON(createTWTsrcURL(), function(data){
$.each(data.results, function(i, tweet){
if (tweet.geo || tweet.location)
refreshQuery = data.refresh_url;

function parseTweetsQ(){
if (tweetsQ.length > 0) {
var tweet = tweetsQ.pop();
if (tweet.geo){
tweet.latlng = new

function plotTwt(tweet){
tweet.marker = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new

On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 9:13 PM, Phil Scadden <p.scadden at gns.cri.nz> wrote:

> I have no idea what the object returned by twitter is but surely, but if
> you are using jsonp, then
> have in your code something like:
> jsonp_function(json)
> where jsonp_function is the name of jsonp callback and json is the
> returned object. I would guess it contains an array of feature type
> objects, so you would iterate through the array, creating feature for
> each row, and calling vectorLayer.addFeatures(features) to add them to
> the vector layer.
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