[OpenLayers-Users] Editing against secured WFS-T [SOLVED]

David Alda Fernandez de Lezea dalda at ikt.es
Thu Mar 17 05:28:02 EDT 2011

Hi list,

I managed to solve this. I modified the proxy.cgi so it passes the user/pass token to geoserver. The token is encoded using base64 python library:

Add the following at the beginning of the file:

import base64

An then, more or less, at line 53, you will find the section were the request headers are set. I've changed the following line:

	headers = {"Content-Type": os.environ["CONTENT_TYPE"]}

base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password))[:-1]
authheader = "Basic %s" % base64string
headers = {"Content-Type": os.environ["CONTENT_TYPE"],"Authorization": authheader }

Basically, I have a username and a password, I encoded them using base64 algorithm, and finally I set the header. This approach is for having a fixed username/password inside the proxy.cgi. In order to achieve this task in a more general way, you could pass the authentication header to the proxy, and inside the proxy get that header and pass it again to GeoServer.

Hope this can help.

Un saludo,

David Alda Fernández de Lezea
Lurralde eta Biodibertsitate Saila / Dpto. de Territorio y Biodiversidad
Granja Modelo s/n · 01192 · Arkaute (Araba)

Tlfnos.: 945-00-32-95                         Fax: 945-00.32.90
email: dalda at ikt.es                                web: www.ikt.es

-----Mensaje original-----
De: openlayers-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:openlayers-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] En nombre de David Alda Fernandez de Lezea
Enviado el: miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011 15:16
Para: users at openlayers.org
Asunto: [OpenLayers-Users] Editing against secured WFS-T

Hi list,

I'm trying to commit some changes to a secured (user & pass) wfs-t service. Is there any propertie or something in which I can specify the user and pass for http basic authentication?? The problem is that I can't figure out how to set these variables to the savestrategy object.


Un saludo,

David Alda Fernández de Lezea
Lurralde eta Biodibertsitate Saila / Dpto. de Territorio y Biodiversidad
Granja Modelo s/n · 01192 · Arkaute (Araba)

Tlfnos.: 945-00-32-95                         Fax: 945-00.32.90
email: dalda at ikt.es                                web: www.ikt.es
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