[OpenLayers-Users] Greetings
Budschedl Harald
Harald.Budschedl at ikt.linz.at
Tue May 24 05:31:39 EDT 2011
Hi there
I am new to the mailinglist and wanted to shout a quick "Hello world" into the room :)
I am currently working forthe IKT Linz Gmbh, a company which provides IT services for the Magistrate and the Companies of the City of Linz. We started with GIS Systems as early as 1987 and I am in that field of work since 1991.
Lately I had more and more "brushes" with the OpenLayers theme and became interested. I am not much of a programmer anymore (I released my last real program about 10 years ago), but did recently start to sniff into JavaScript a bit... ;)
I also was at the last FOSSGIS in Germany, where I had the opportunity to attend an ol-workshop, which was very good but too short...
ATM I am fiddling around with an OpenLayers page that displays our data and just cracking my head on an "Adress Search"-function that utilizes a selfmade Webservice (which deliveres GeoJSON) using AJAX.
I just have to find out how to cram the contents of my JSON Object into the options of my selectbox - if possible without having to dig into things like jquery... I like the "K.I.S.S" motto and really want to keep it simple and stupid.
Ok, so much for my, myself and my experiments :)
Cya on the list!
Freundliche Grüße/Regards
Harald Budschedl
Geodaten Management (Geo)
Productmanager, Projectmanager, Consultant
IKT Linz GmbH
Ein Unternehmen der Stadt Linz
4040 Linz, Hauptstraße 1-5
Tel. +43 732 7070 4787
Fax +43 732 7070 54 4787
visit www.linz.at/ikt<http://www.linz.at/ikt>
mailto: harald.budschedl at ikt.linz.at<mailto:gerhard.schoeller at ikt.linz.at>
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IKT Linz GmbH, Firmenbuch des Landesgerichtes Linz ++ Firmenbuch-Nummer: 321197z ++ UID-Nummer: ATU64636344
IKT Linz Infrastruktur GmbH, Firmenbuch des Landesgerichtes Linz ++ Firmenbuch-Nummer: 321990s ++ UID-Nummer: ATU64664303
A-4020 Linz, Gruberstraße 42, Tel. +43 732 7070 0, Fax: +43 732 7070 54 1555, office at ikt.linz.at, www.linz.at/ikt
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