[OpenLayers-Users] Openlayer.mobile.js

Andreas Hocevar ahocevar at opengeo.org
Thu May 26 05:01:18 EDT 2011


there is no dedicated mobile version of OpenLayers - all you need for
mobile support is in OpenLayers 2.11-rc1 already. The build we use in
the mobile examples uses the
build profile, and was minified with the "-c closure" option (see

To get mobile functionality, all you have to do is download OpenLayers
2.11-rc1 (http://openlayers.org/download/OpenLayers-2.11-rc1.zip) or
trunk. And to make it load faster on mobile devices, you will create a
build profile with only the files you need, as described in


2011/5/26 Budschedl Harald <Harald.Budschedl at ikt.linz.at>:
> Hi ppl.
> Either I am blind (or dumb) or there is no download possibility for the
> mobile version of OL on the openlayers.org homepage and the wiki?
> I just searched but didn’t find anything there…
> Can someone point me to the right direction? (Or give me a white stick for
> the seeing-impaired?)
> Harry
> Freundliche Grüße
> Harald Budschedl
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Andreas Hocevar
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