[OpenLayers-Users] How to map a Layer to some bounds

Jan Wedel jan.wedel at googlemail.com
Thu May 26 06:37:08 EDT 2011


I already wrote a mail 1 or 2 weeks ago but got no reply yet.Since that
time, I tried a lot it still doesn't work.

I need to have a standard OSM map as a base layer (which works). More
important, I have 1 to N additional Zoomify layers.
A standalone Zoomify-layer works fine. But as soon as add the OSM layer
everything "explodes".

How can I map/project the Zoomify-layer (which is in pixels) to some window
bounds in the OSM map (which uses spherical mercator)?

I know the size in pixels and the upper/left and lower/right corner of that
image as long/lat but I don't know how to make it match some bound on the
osm layer?

I want to display long/lat on the map and switch between OSM and zoomify
while staying at the same geographical location!

Please, can someone help? I'm getting crazy with projections and zoomify...
I even tried to analyze the source code of Zoomify, Grid and Layer but it
didn't help much.


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