[OpenLayers-Users] Browser Issues: Safari and Opera with OpenStreetMap, IE9, Safari mobile.

Nicholas Efremov-Kendall n.e.kendall at gmail.com
Sat May 28 21:59:53 EDT 2011

Hi all,

I'm having a couple of browser issues which I wonder if any of you have
encountered. I'm working with a localhost implementation of a geolocation
script I hacked together from some different live examples.

First, with a geolocation demo I'm working on, Opera 11 places the marker at
the center of the map vertically but at the right of the screen, and the
visible portion of my map shrinks to about a quarter of the screen with OSM
as a baselayer, the layer switcher controls remain in the right position. I
have a google layer as a second baselayer which as soon as I switch layers,
the map resizes to the correct width. When I switch back to OSM it's the
right size again. Any ideas?

The same script in Safari 5 requests permission to use current position but
doesn't place the marker or register the lonlat events.

in a localhost implementation IE9 won't even ask to get current position,
but a version of the same script which I tested on my live server works.
Also odd, the localhost version won't render the border-radius elements in
my CSS.

Finally, the script seems to work on the iphone's Safari works, but doesn't
show the OSM layer...

First, any obvious fixes? Second, suggestions on a user-agent script to tell
users I'm having issues with this?
thanks in advance. Live version can be viewed at www.virtualspatiality.org
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