[OpenLayers-Users] Javascript - Functioncall: strange behaviour

Budschedl Harald Harald.Budschedl at ikt.linz.at
Tue May 31 07:12:33 EDT 2011

Hi folks

I have a not strictly OL related problem concerning a function call which works in FF, Safari, Opera, etc ... but does not work in IE (7 and 8)

Let me tell you what I try to do.

1st step:
An ajax control fills a selectbox with adresses. The webservice delivers geoJSON btw. The serializing of the JSON-Object (streetlist) and the filling of the selectbox (sbox) looks like this:
                                                                streetlist = eval('(' + httpRequest.responseText + ')');
                                                                sbox = document.getElementById('straSel');
                                                                if (sbox.length<=0) {sbox.length=1}
                                                                for(x=0; x< streetlist.features.length-1; x++){
Everything works out fine. The Ajax works, the Selectbox is filled, all of this works fine in all the browsers.
So now we have a Selectbox, filled with Adresses.

2nd step:
>From my selectbox, I select one entry and klick on the "get me there"-button to call a function "goThere" which will find the appropriate X and Y coords from the geoJSON Object and zoom the map to there.
The Selectbox and "get me there" Butto look like this:
                        <select id="straSel" name="straSel" size="5" >
                                <option id="straOpt">Click result ...</option>
                <input type="button" value="get me there" onclick="goThere();" />
The function looks like this:
                        function goThere() {
                                // gets XY coordinates for selected entry and zooms there
                                var adressX;
                                var adressY;

                                var selbox =document.getElementById('straSel');
                                var selIndx=selbox.selectedIndex;
                                alert(" At index"+selIndx+" in the box, there is "+selectedAdr);
                                if (streetlist) {
                                        for(x=0; x< streetlist.features.length-1; x++){
                                                if (streetlist.features[x].properties.Adresse == selectedAdr) {
                                                        //alert(selectedAdr + '___X=' + adressX + '___Y=' + adressY);
                                                        map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(adressX,adressY),allScales[1],false,true);

I also tried to deliver the Adress itself in the function call, but this doesn't change anything.

The function works fine in Firefox
It works fine in Safari
It works fine in Opera.
Heck, it even works fine on my Palm Pre Plus...

Just IE (7 and 8) does not do ANYTHING. I found out (using the alert statements) that the value is always empty in IE.

Has anyone an idea what's the problem?


IKT Linz GmbH
Ein Unternehmen der Stadt Linz

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