[OpenLayers-Users] OL 2.11 resizing map problem (or bug)

luis peinado luis.peinado at geodata.es
Fri Nov 11 05:46:25 EST 2011

Hi list,
after updating my OL projects from 2.10 to 2.11 I see some problems when
the map is resized:
zoombox is drawed in a different place where the mouse is, it only happens
with the first zoom and after that, zoombox is shown right.
It happens with other controls working on the map (as getFeatureInfo,
ruler, area measuring, etc) you can check this project:
they way to resize the map i clicking on the little triangle on the left
side of the map.

Is there any workaround to avoid this? It works pretty fine with OL 2.10,
maybe a bug with the new version?

Thanks in advance.


*Lluís Peinado*

***Geodata Sistemas,SL.*

luis.peinado at geodata.es

T. 933 035 367 (ext. 21)

F. 933 080 071
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