[OpenLayers-Users] multiple vector layers

Dominik Mikiewicz dominikmikiewicz at o2.pl
Mon Oct 17 03:48:13 EDT 2011

You could simply add features of each layer to your 3rd layer. If you need a
copy of features, rather than simply adding features from one layer to
another clone them first.


From: openlayers-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:openlayers-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Brad Spencer
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 5:12 AM
To: 'openlayers users'
Subject: [OpenLayers-Users] multiple vector layers




I have a single markup vector layer [layer1] and I want to add a JSON vector
layer [layer2] and work on the markup layer [layer1] snapping to both
layers[layer1 & layer2]. This works fine so far. 


Now I want to merge the vector from both markup [layer1] and JSON loaded
layer [layer2] into a single layer [layer3] for saving into a new JSON file.


I have looked at OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.RootContainer as it looks like it
should allow me to look at multiple layers and I assume I can set it up to
save the layer3 as well. 


I have not been able to make it work so was wondering if there are any
examples out there I could have a look at?


Cheers, Brad....




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