[OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers and GeoWebCache on GeoServer

gbrun gbrun at myopera.com
Tue Sep 27 05:39:21 EDT 2011

Maybe a tip: in your map, you need to specify the maxExtent property with  
the bounds you defined in the projection you used for your GeoWebCache  
layers. Afterwards, you can specify the restrictedExtent of your map with  
the extent you want to see at the screen. This way, your map has the same  
bounds as your GeoWebCache layers: thus, there are no misalignment for  
your tiles (they have the same origin) between the one requested by  
OpenLayers and the others sent by GeoWebCache.

This tip depends on the way you have configured your GeoWebCache. In my  
case, it works with WMS layers (not TMS) and a global projection defined  
in GeoWebCache and assigned to each layer.


Le Tue, 27 Sep 2011 11:13:35 +0200, Dipl. Inf. Carsten Eider  
<eider at fh-bingen.de> a écrit:

> Hi list,
> I am looking for working examples where Openlayers uses
> WMTS/TMS/TileCache layers in order
> to get tiles from a geowebcache on a geoserver.
> I have unsuccessfully worked through all examples on openlayers, but
> nothing really works.
> Obviously i don't know how to define the bounded box of my layers.
> Are there any working examples where OL is explicitly connected to a
> geowebcache with maps restricted on defined bounds?
>  TIA Carsten

Geoffrey BRUN

Étudiant en master SIGMA
Stagiaire au PNR du Haut-Languedoc

Hameau de Brassac
Saint-Pons de Thomières
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