[OpenLayers-Users] (HTML5) Map Tile Hosting Service

Dino Ravnic dino at giscloud.com
Tue Sep 27 11:40:52 EDT 2011


Following the release of our HTML5 viewer we are considering launching a mew service dedicated to map tile hosting. We all know the pain of setting up your own map tile server(s), generating and maintaining tiles, or setting up your own infrastructure and managing all of this yourself. Once a map has changed you must invalidate the whole set and start over. Handling millions of map tiles isn’t easy; we want to help you with that.

Our goal would be to provide a secure, fully managed, easy to use, map tile hosting service where you would simply upload your data, style it and your map tiles would be ready. They can then be rendered using our high-performance map engine directly into OpenLayers.

Here are some key features we are considering:

- Output to vector tiles, quickly and interactively (HTML5 Canvas, SVG, Flash)
- Output to raster tiles (PNG, JPEG)
- Input from all major file formats (CSV, Excel, KML, Shapefile, MrSID, GeoTiff, ...)
- No tile precaching – tiles get rendered in real-time!
- Open Source client library for all major map clients (OpenLayers, Leaflet, Google Maps, ...)
- Embed code retrieval for zero-programming integration
- Full mobile and tablet support
- Easy and secure upload: SSL&  Secure FTP
- Easy GUI for layer styling in a browser
- Support for multiple map projections and automatic re-projection
- REST and JavaScript API for feature access and manipulation
- Fast world-wide tile distribution through a CDN

We are interested in learning more from you and seeing how this service could fit your needs. How are you hosting your map tiles right now? Would you be interested in a such a managed service? We are looking for beta users that are interested in trying this out from the start.



Dino Ravnic


GIS Cloud Ltd
email: dino at giscloud.com
phone: +44-79-5447-8318
skype: dravnic
twitter: http://twitter.com/giscloud
linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dinoravnic

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