[OpenLayers-Users] Google + WMS

Ricardo Bayley ricardo.bayley at gmail.com
Sun Feb 5 23:12:40 EST 2012

Hi folks,

I am experiencing a serious issue. I have two base layers, a WMS layer of
my own (geoserver) and a google base layer.
After switching between them, sometimes, google layer is reduce for about
1/8 th of the map div size and is position at the upper left corner.
I can switch back and forth between them, the WMS will fit perfect, but
google layer will stay 1/8th on the upper left corner.
To see it properly, I have to reload the page. Curious thing is that if I
never switch to my WMS base layer, then google wont be reduce.

I am using gmap v2.

Has anyone experience something like this ? Could my setup be wrong or did
I bumped into a bug ?

this is my gmap config:

gmap : new OpenLayers.Layer.Google(
        "Google Streets", // the default
         type: G_NORMAL_MAP , // v2
//     type: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, //v3
         sphericalMercator: true, minZoomLevel: 4, maxZoomLevel: 16

best regards,

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