[OpenLayers-Users] with no OpenLayers.Util.onImageLoadError, TileCache wrapDateLine has pink tiles

Charlton Galvarino charlton at 2creek.com
Sat Jan 14 00:01:41 EST 2012

Hi, all.  I just grabbed the latest and greatest OL from github and see that OpenLayers.Util.onImageLoadError is no more.  One thing I noticed off the bat is that my TileCache layers (wrapDateLine : true) show pink tiles outside of the usual -180,-90,180,90 bounds.  That used to be handled by the onImageLoadError, but I'm not sure where to look now.

I can reproduce this behavior in the tilecache.html example by commenting out the map's resolutions (so you can zoom way out) and adding wrapDateLine : true to the layer's config.  Not having the wrapDateLine works as advertised . . . no pink tiles.  But having it seems to break something.

Am I missing something obvious?


Charlton Galvarino
1 (803) 233-6205 : voice
1 (803) 223-9579 :   fax
charlton at 2creek.com<mailto:charlton at 2creek.com>

P.O. Box 50960
Columbia, SC 29250

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