[OpenLayers-Users] Printing options for map w/ styled vector layers?

Robert Sanson Robert.Sanson at asurequality.com
Tue Jan 17 15:36:56 EST 2012

Hi Ashley

You have to be able to replicate the styled vectors in OpenLayers within your WMS server, and then write some Javascript code to capture the map extent from OpenLayers plus a list of all the layers displayed and then submit a GetMap request to the WMS to generate a composite map.

I use a Python script in my cgi-bin directory that sits between OpenLayers and Mapserver to request the WMS image and embed it in a PDF file.



>>> mortac8 <ashley_c_mort at raytheon.com> 18/01/2012 4:20 a.m. >>>

If I have a map with a WMS background layer and a several styled Vector
layers, is it possible to print server-side and still maintain all of my
vector stylings?  If so, approximately how much effort is this and is
MapFish the way to go?

I'm trying to decide if it's worth the effort to deal with styled vectors
server-side or just use the browser/javascript print() function and deal
with its issues.  I have read through the archives and read the wiki but I
didn't see much about maintaining styling when printing server-side.


View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/Printing-options-for-map-w-styled-vector-layers-tp7196710p7196710.html 
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