[OpenLayers-Users] How to test if a point is within WMS layer?

Greg Allensworth gregor at greeninfo.org
Thu Jan 26 13:45:11 EST 2012

> I thought I could use WFS to get all the features of the polygon layer then
> use OpenLayers.Format.GML.parseGeometry.multipolygon to turn it into a
> polygon object in OL. Then I could use
> OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon.containsPoint to test if the point is within the
> polygon. First Question: is this logic sound?

Yes, it is sound and also easy to implement. But you may have an issue 
if it's more than a few thousand vertices. You may hang the browser 
simply parsing the GML.

The server-side method you are already attempting, sounds like your best 
bet. I'm sorry I have no help for you on the hanging problem.

Greg Allensworth, Web GIS Developer
BS  A+  Network+  Security+  Linux+  Server+
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