[OpenLayers-Users] PopUps: Markers and Lines

adidas xkadidas at gmail.com
Wed Jul 4 02:08:39 PDT 2012

Hello! Markers are drawn on a map using poi, a line draw as LineString 
(pop-up is done as in this example: 
http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/select-feature-openpopup.html ). 
Problem: if you select the checkbox "select polygon on click", then if 
you click on a marker, a popup will not display, if you click on the 
line - a popup window is displayed.
If you select the checkbox "navigate", then if you click on the marker - 
will display a pop-up window, and if you click on the line - will not 
display a pop-up window. How to solve this problem? It is necessary that 
if you click on a marker or line display pop-up window.
Map here: http://softez.pp.ua/fiberms/fiberms/map.php
Help, please!

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