[OpenLayers-Users] Slow speed in IE 7,8

Shin, Sanghee endofcap at gmail.com
Fri Mar 9 10:50:16 EST 2012

Dear Andreas,

I totally agree with you. The ultimate solution would be to have people upgrade to IE9. 

However around 40% of Korean people are still using IE 7, 8 and our client should consider these people. That's why I'm trying to find the solution, we'll put the notice recommending IE9, Safari or other browsers though. 


2012. 3. 9., 오전 12:50, Andreas Hocevar 작성:

> I'm sure it's not the answer you want to hear, but the solution is to
> have people upgrade to IE9 or any of the other modern browsers
> available.
> Andreas.
> 2012/3/8 Shin, Sanghee <endofcap at gmail.com>:
>> Dear all,
>> We're currently carrying out a weather map service project.
>> You can see this site here:
>> In this site, users can overlay near realtime radar image, satellite image and other weather information over the map by checking the box. You can also try these functions by checking far left 2 layer controls, that look like '날씨정보', '동네예보'
>> This site works fine in Safari, Fire Fox, Opera and Chrome except IE 7,8.
>> The problem is that this site is sluggish when we're using IE7 or IE8.
>> Any good idea or solutions how to speed up this site with IE7,8?
>> With regards,
>> Sanghee
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> Andreas Hocevar
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