[OpenLayers-Users][SOLVED] Weird issue with WFS-T
Tue Topholm
tt at sugee.dk
Wed Mar 21 04:11:48 EDT 2012
Thx for all the help
I was because I updated the map object in another page then the map page it did this, so I fixed it, and it works like a charm now.
Den 20/03/2012 kl. 16.19 skrev Tue Topholm:
> I think I figured out when it happens, it the WFS-T layer is turned
> off with setVisibility(false) from the start and you turn it on, then
> it happens, but if the layer is turned on from the start there is no
> issue.
> --
> Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
> Tue Topholm
> Sugee
> Tlf: +45 32 13 32 32
> W: http://www.sugee.dk
> 18. mar. 2012 15.29 skrev Tue Topholm <tt at sugee.dk>:
>> Yes, I will try to do it tomorrow....
>> /Tue
>> Den 18/03/2012 kl. 12.02 skrev Andreas Hocevar:
>>> Can you share a minimal example that exposes the issue?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Andreas.
>>> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 1:47 AM, Tue Topholm <tt at sugee.dk> wrote:
>>>> After some more testing, it seems to be in all the wfs-t implementations.
>>>> Sometimes it gives wrong and the other times it goes bad.... any idea?
>>>> --
>>>> Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
>>>> Tue Topholm
>>>> Sugee
>>>> Tlf: +45 32 13 32 32
>>>> W: http://www.sugee.dk
>>>> 16. mar. 2012 16.00 skrev Tue Topholm <tt at sugee.dk>:
>>>>> I have tested a bit further....
>>>>> It only applies to WFS 1.0.0
>>>>> --
>>>>> Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
>>>>> Tue Topholm
>>>>> Sugee
>>>>> Tlf: +45 32 13 32 32
>>>>> W: http://www.sugee.dk
>>>>> 15. mar. 2012 18.12 skrev Tue Topholm <tt at sugee.dk>:
>>>>>> Hi All
>>>>>> I have a weird issue, the first time I send a UPDATE to the WFS-T the
>>>>>> Geometry field is in WKT, but all the next requests are correct with
>>>>>> GML, is there anyone that has tried that before?
>>>>>> I'm using 2.11
>>>>>> Here is the first request:
>>>>>> <wfs:Transaction xmlns:wfs="http://www.opengis.net/wfs" service="WFS"
>>>>>> version="1.0.0" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wfs
>>>>>> http://schemas.opengis.net/wfs/1.0.0/WFS-transaction.xsd"
>>>>>> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
>>>>>> <wfs:Update typeName="gmgml:Sportsplæne"
>>>>>> xmlns:gmgml="http://www.intergraph.com/geomedia/gml">
>>>>>> <wfs:Property>
>>>>>> <wfs:Name>Geometry</wfs:Name>
>>>>>> <wfs:Value>POLYGON((704544.36 6171349.62,704545.99
>>>>>> 6171357.51,704547.8 6171365.23,704549.81 6171372.83,704552.01
>>>>>> 6171380.37,704554.42 6171387.87,704557.03 6171395.32,704560.05
>>>>>> 6171403.28,704563.81 6171411.85,704567.8 6171420.31,704571.95
>>>>>> 6171428.55,704576.36 6171436.77,704580.38 6171443.86,704584.75
>>>>>> 6171451.18,704589.03 6171457.98,704593.2 6171464.28,704596.13
>>>>>> 6171468.48,704600.54 6171474.37,704604.81 6171479.75,704609.23
>>>>>> 6171485.01,704614.44 6171490.9,704619.82 6171496.64,704625.35
>>>>>> 6171502.24,704632.12 6171508.79,704638 6171514.2,704643.63
>>>>>> 6171519.13,704649.37 6171523.92,704655.24 6171528.57,704661.22
>>>>>> 6171533.06,704667.31 6171537.4,704673.26 6171541.38,704679.61
>>>>>> 6171545.42,704686.07 6171549.29,704692.63 6171552.99,704699.28
>>>>>> 6171556.53,704706.12 6171559.95,704712.96 6171563.15,704719.87
>>>>>> 6171566.18,704726.86 6171569.03,704731.84 6171570.91,704733.66
>>>>>> 6171571.59,704740.87 6171574.11,704747.76 6171576.62,704754.87
>>>>>> 6171578.56,704762.19 6171580.54,704774.3 6171583.27,704778.96
>>>>>> 6171585.88,704839.64 6171600.71,704976.32 6171634.38,704991.91
>>>>>> 6171638.22,705061.63 6171655.36,705163.03 6171680.29,705203.54
>>>>>> 6171690.43,705260.08 6171704.3,705298.29 6171713.57,705333.47
>>>>>> 6171721.98,705349.64 6171725.68,705299.320787636
>>>>>> 6171559.21622562,705024.521635147 6171396.7513163,704740.535274475
>>>>>> 6171404.08322215,704544.36 6171349.62))</wfs:Value>
>>>>>> </wfs:Property>
>>>>>> <wfs:Property>
>>>>>> <wfs:Name>ID</wfs:Name>
>>>>>> <wfs:Value>339</wfs:Value>
>>>>>> </wfs:Property>
>>>>>> <ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc">
>>>>>> <ogc:FeatureId fid="Sportsplæne.339" />
>>>>>> </ogc:Filter>
>>>>>> </wfs:Update>
>>>>>> </wfs:Transaction>
>>>>>> And the next one looks like this:
>>>>>> <wfs:Transaction xmlns:wfs="http://www.opengis.net/wfs" service="WFS"
>>>>>> version="1.0.0" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wfs
>>>>>> http://schemas.opengis.net/wfs/1.0.0/WFS-transaction.xsd"
>>>>>> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
>>>>>> <wfs:Update typeName="gmgml:Sportsplæne"
>>>>>> xmlns:gmgml="http://www.intergraph.com/geomedia/gml">
>>>>>> <wfs:Property>
>>>>>> <wfs:Name>Geometry</wfs:Name>
>>>>>> <wfs:Value>
>>>>>> <gml:Polygon xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" srsName="EPSG:25832">
>>>>>> <gml:outerBoundaryIs>
>>>>>> <gml:LinearRing>
>>>>>> <gml:coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">704544.36,6171349.62
>>>>>> 704545.99,6171357.51 704547.8,6171365.23 704549.81,6171372.83
>>>>>> 704552.01,6171380.37 704554.42,6171387.87 704557.03,6171395.32
>>>>>> 704560.05,6171403.28 704563.81,6171411.85 704567.8,6171420.31
>>>>>> 704571.95,6171428.55 704576.36,6171436.77 704580.38,6171443.86
>>>>>> 704584.75,6171451.18 704589.03,6171457.98 704593.2,6171464.28
>>>>>> 704596.13,6171468.48 704600.54,6171474.37 704604.81,6171479.75
>>>>>> 704609.23,6171485.01 704614.44,6171490.9 704619.82,6171496.64
>>>>>> 704625.35,6171502.24 704632.12,6171508.79 704638,6171514.2
>>>>>> 704643.63,6171519.13 704649.37,6171523.92 704655.24,6171528.57
>>>>>> 704661.22,6171533.06 704667.31,6171537.4 704673.26,6171541.38
>>>>>> 704679.61,6171545.42 704686.07,6171549.29 704692.63,6171552.99
>>>>>> 704699.28,6171556.53 704706.12,6171559.95 704712.96,6171563.15
>>>>>> 704719.87,6171566.18 704726.86,6171569.03 704731.84,6171570.91
>>>>>> 704733.66,6171571.59 704740.87,6171574.11 704747.76,6171576.62
>>>>>> 704754.87,6171578.56 704762.19,6171580.54 704774.3,6171583.27
>>>>>> 704778.96,6171585.88 704839.64,6171600.71 704976.32,6171634.38
>>>>>> 704991.91,6171638.22 705061.63,6171655.36 705163.03,6171680.29
>>>>>> 705203.54,6171690.43 705260.08,6171704.3 705298.29,6171713.57
>>>>>> 705333.47,6171721.98 705349.64,6171725.68
>>>>>> 705299.320787636,6171559.21622562 705024.521635147,6171396.7513163
>>>>>> 704740.535274475,6171404.08322215
>>>>>> 704544.36,6171349.62</gml:coordinates>
>>>>>> </gml:LinearRing>
>>>>>> </gml:outerBoundaryIs>
>>>>>> </gml:Polygon>
>>>>>> </wfs:Value>
>>>>>> </wfs:Property>
>>>>>> <wfs:Property>
>>>>>> <wfs:Name>ID</wfs:Name>
>>>>>> <wfs:Value>339</wfs:Value>
>>>>>> </wfs:Property>
>>>>>> <ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc">
>>>>>> <ogc:FeatureId fid="Sportsplæne.339" />
>>>>>> </ogc:Filter>
>>>>>> </wfs:Update>
>>>>>> </wfs:Transaction>
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
>>>>>> Tue Topholm
>>>>>> Sugee
>>>>>> Tlf: +45 32 13 32 32
>>>>>> W: http://www.sugee.dk
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>>> --
>>> Andreas Hocevar
>>> OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org/
>>> Expert service straight from the developers.
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